Part 114 - So Negative

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"What's going on, Rhea?" I asked, sitting up in my seat a little. "Are you alri-"

"Don't ask me that when I just stormed out on you. Snapped at you." Rhea said, tilting her head a little annoyed.

I swallowed. "I'm just worried about you."

"I'm fine." She brushed it off, clearing her throat. "I'm sorry, Angel." Rhea whispered, grabbing my hand in hers and squeezing.

I squeezed it back. "I know. It's fine."

"It's not fine so don't say that it is-"

"Alright." I cut her off. "Just tell me what's going on?" I looked at her, and Rhea looked down.

It took her a minute to get herself together, and finally look at me. "Her name is Lacey."


I kept looking at Rhea, waiting for her to keep going.

She knew this woman?

"I first met- well, discovered her when I was in NXT like 3 or 4 years ago." Rhea explained. "Ever since then, I haven't really seen her since. Until well, now."

"She stalks you?" I ask.

Rhea shrugged. "She did. I was a bit of a different person back then, too friendly and I just brushed her off. She came up to me and introduced herself one day, I was just nice to her and wanting to be friendly, but she took it way out proportion. She wormed her way into my friend group so she could be around me. It grew fucking insane, and creepy." Rhea scratched her chin. "I woke up one morning, in my old apartment and she was there. I was going through some things at the time... and I drank a lot, I didn't remember if I'd gotten with her or not, she told me she did. But I figured out quickly, she was lying and broke her way into my apartment, looking through my things."

I felt horrible listening to her.

Rhea kept explaining. "A few weird fucking things happened with her. I told my friends and they all agreed to push her out of the group. She was becoming obsessed with me and it was fucking exhausting. Ever since then, I've barely seen her. I've noticed her online a few times, posting about me but I've just ignored everything from her."

I couldn't imagine Rhea letting someone stalk her like that. "When was this? During NXT?"

Rhea nodded. "Yes. I'm a different person now though, Flo. Someone tried that shit now, I'd get them out of here real fast. I'm not risking you with anything."

I looked down. "I'm really sorry."

Rhea shook her head. "Don't be sorry. She is my problem, attacking my fucking fiancé because she can't get over her addiction with me. I should have fucking put her in jail all those years ago."

I gave her a sad look. "I'm sorry you went through that."

"No." Rhea squeezed my hand. "I didn't deal with that, and now you're going through this. On top of everything else." Rhea seemed so upset, not making eye contact with me and her hand squeezing a little too hard around mine.

"She sounds insane." I said to her.

Rhea nodded. "She is fucking crazy, Flo. I didn't even think about her when I got you with publicly. That she could come back and-"

"I'm glad the first thing you didn't think about was another girl when we went public, Rhea. That's a good thing." I said, small smile.

Rhea rolled her eyes at me. "Shut up, angel. I'm not in-"

"In the mood." I finished for her, annoyingly. Wanting to see her smile. I missed her smile.

Rhea raised her eyebrows at me, daring me to say that again. "You're the-"

"Biggest brat I've ever met." I finished for her again.

Rheas bottom jaw tensed, and she widened her eyes. "Do it again and-"

"See what happens." I cut her off, finishing it and smiling as I did it. Rhea rolled her eyes and she didn't smile... that's what I wanted. "Smile please... that's what I want to see."

Rhea still didn't smile. She scratched her head, still annoyed at the day.

Damien knocked on the door, and I called him in. He came in with Dom, and they looked between us like they didn't know what the situation was. "I know about Lacey." I spoke up, and they both nodded.

"Psycho bitch." Dom exclaimed.

Damien shrugged him off. "So when's your surgery, sunshine?" He sat on the other free side of my bed.

Rhea looked at him harshly. "What did you just call her?"

Damien put his hands up. "Alright... alright. I see you're pissed."

Damien looked back to me I gave him a sad smile. "Tomorrow." I looked to the clock on the wall and it was just after 12am. "Well today. They want to do it as soon as possible."

"Did they say much about recovery time?" Dom asked be curious, eyes Rhea off who wasn't looking at anyone.

"The surgery isn't nearly as bad as what it was before. It's smaller, and recovery is like half the size, I should be able to get back to work in a few weeks."

"If things go well." Rhea told me, anger bubbling in her throat.

I gave her a look and crossed my arms. "Can you stop being so negative."

Rhea looked away and her face softened.

I knew it was a very stressful day. Rhea was tired. Annoyed. A lot has happened. But, I was really sick of her negativity.

Rhea must have realised she was a bit rude to Damien and myself. I was chatting to Damien and Dom, and about 10 minutes ago, she was looking at me with soft eyes that I couldn't ignore for any longer.

So I claimed I was tired and Damien and Dom wished me well, and said they'd come back when I recovered a bit more.

When they left I looked to Rhea.

She looked at me.

I gave her a smile that told her I knew she wanted to say something. Rhea tweaked her lips and cleared her throat. "Sorry, baby." She whispered. She moved closer to me to tuck my hair behind my ear. "I've been-"

"A bitch." I finished for her.

Rheas mouth opened little but she closed it and nodded. "Your filthy little mouth is right. I've been a bitch tonight, when I should be here for you. I'm sorry." She whispered it, but I knew she meant it by the weakness in her voice.

"I love you." I reminded her. I wanted her to know I understood her reactions.

Rhea smiled, and that's exactly what I wanted to see.

"I love you so much." She told me.

And that's exactly what I wanted to hear.

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