Part 51 - Vanilla, Sorbet and Mint

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We'd gotten to the arena for Smackdown and were backstage, listening to Dom and Damien debating back and forth the best flavour of ice cream.

Rhea was only here with us because I was here waiting for Jon to come and grab me.

"Cookies and cream all the way, all day." Dom exclaimed.

Damien cringed. "Too sweet. Classic vanilla is the way to go."

Dom scoffed. "Boring as fuck. Flo, back me up." He looked to me.

Rhea put a soft hand around my waist, twinkling her fingers on my stomach, reminding me of the mark she left on me this morning, and I still had no idea what she'd wrote. "Well I just like strawberry." I said.

"Now that's a good flavour, too." Damien pointed out. "'Mmm, mango sorbet."

"Oooh." I squealed. "Sorbet is so yummy." I agreed.

Damien went to add but Dom interrupted us. "Sorbet! That's not even ice cream you disgusting-"

"Shut up, Dom. Fucking hell." Rhea grumbled. "No one cares."

I put my good arm on Rheas shoulders. "Relax." I said, and the others laughed. "What's your favourite ice cream flavour."

Rhea rolled her eyes, but she thought about it. "Mint." She said.

"Fucking gross." Dom mumbled at her, then basically ran away she glared at him. Damien following soon after.

Then before I could talk to Rhea, Jon came over. "Ready Flo?" He looked between Rhea and I. I think he was a little scared of Rhea to be honest.

"Sure am." I hopped up, leaning to kiss Rhea on the cheek. But she caught me quickly, holding my face and kissing me on the lips deeply.

I blushed as she pulled away, giving me a quick wink as I slowly followed Jon. Who didn't say anything about what just happened.

She loved marking her claim I guess...

As Jon and I walked towards the ring, we must have been a little late because there were some people in their seats ready for the show.

As soon as we walked out, a few cheers erupted, more people joined and they all clapped. Then they made a small chant. "Flo! Flo!"


I looked to Jon who shrugged with a smile. "I think it got out that you're hurt after the hit you took, people think you're a bad ass for still being here."

I scratched my head. Oh... I smiled to a few people, waving and eventually taking my seat as the audience faded.

The show began like the usual Smackdown, the middle was familiar and the end exciting.

Nothing of interest happened, basically just promoting storyline's for Night of Champions tomorrow night.

I was walking backstage with Jon when we walked into utter commotion.

Trevor was absolutely screaming his guts out at someone. Who was it?...


We shuffled closer and moved between people, me gasping as someone shouldered into my own. "Shit." I cursed and grabbed it. Jon grabbed me to help me through and I could see Trevor and Logan.

"You're such a fucking dick, who would do that! To Flo!?" He was screaming.

Oh, god... about me...

Logan didn't seem to be saying much, he was just taking the anger of Trevor. He felt like he deserved it.

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