Part 86 - Melo Don't Miss

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I sat up straighter in my spot, looking at the bloody towel and Rhea who had this extremely concerned look on her face. "Flo?" She snapped. "Are you hurt?" She come close to me, pulling me up to stand.

"I'm really fine, it was just-"

Rhea yanked my shirt up and squat to look at my scar. "What the fuck happened?" She softly touched the Band-Aid. "Florence? Answer me." She looked at me, dropping the towel on the ground.

Damn. Sorry, Barry.

"Barry jumped on me and I don't know, I think his nails cut me. I'm really fine though." I explained, looking to Barry who somehow knew I had just dobbed him in. He walked away and down the hall.

Rhea closed her eyes and ran her hand through her hair. "Why the fuck are you never 100% healthy? 100% fucking happy and not into some shit." She huffed and picked the towel back up, going out to the Landry room by the kitchen.

I didn't really know what to say. "You're overreacting a little bit. It's not like he did it on purpose."

Rhea came back out. "I know." She groaned. "I just- There's always fucking something."

I raised my eyebrows. "I'm sorry I'm so dramatic for you. I'll just not save your life next time." I went to walk away but Rhea grabbed my arm.

"Flo." Her voice softened. "I'm sorry, it came out wrong. I mean, it makes me so upset knowing you're not... 100% happy. I need you at peace, all the time... after everything."

I smiled a little, listening to her.

Rhea tucked some of my hair behind my ear. "You're too pretty to be hurt. Even just a scratch, I'm so over you being in the middle of things."

I nodded. "I know, so am I."

Rhea let out an annoyed breath. "I'm sorry, come here." She pulled me into her chest, hugging me warmly. "Did you put-"

"Antiseptic on it? Yep." I finished for her, and she didn't reply so she was pleased.

When she pulled away, she started walking down the hall. "Barry!" She yelled.

No, not Barry.

I followed her and watched Barry lie his entire body flat on the floor, chin sadly on the ground beside our bed. "Barry, get out." She told him. "Go outside for a while. You too, Luna." She ordered them and she took them to the backyard. They both immediately peed and then ran to come back inside but Rhea wouldn't let them in.

"No need to take it out on the dogs." I said sadly to her.

"They'll survive out there while I shower." Rhea said, walking past me. "I'll meet you in bed, Angel."

When I heard her start the shower, I immediately let the dogs in. Ushering them into bed with me, and cuddling up with them. Barry licked my cheek as if to apologise.

I was kissing Barry on the ears when Rhea come in. I didn't even hear her. She rolled her eyes when she saw I let the dogs in. "I thought you loved these guys." I pointed out.

Rhea pulled her towel off, completely naked beneath. Looking extremely distracting. She began putting pajamas on. "Not when they hurt you."

"So you'd choose me over the dogs?" I asked. "Nah, don't answer that. That's sad." I said sadly.

Rhea scoffed and slid beside me in bed, pulling me in to her. "We have like 4 days off, what do you want to do?" Rhea asked.

I thought about it. "I don't mind."

Rhea cleared her throat, almost nervous and spoke. "I was thinking... would you want to go to like Disney World, or is that not-"

I looked at her.

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