Part 145 - Bait

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I tried to speak. "Rhea! Just-"

But she was no listening. There was no stopping her when she charged at Isaac.

Isaac let me go and grunted as Rhea shoved him into a stool. He tumbled and fell over with it.

Rhea was panting angry, screaming at him. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" She kept going, shouting at him and eventually grabbing and yanking him up to stand and punching him across the jaw, then shoving him into the wall with her hand holding him there. "You need to leave her the hell alone! Do whatever the fuck you want to me, you hear me? I don't give a fuck, just leave her alone!"

Isaac smiled a little, blood on his jaw. "But she's better to look at than-"

Rhea punched him again, then shoving him back into the wall. "If you're going to ruin a life, ruin mine." Rhea told him.

"Oh but I could ruin both of your lives." He smirked, even with blood on his face.

"Rhea..." I begged her, and she softly let the hold go she had on him, just a little bit. Remembering what he had at his disposal.

Rhea snapped her head to me, looking me up and down. Examining me. "You touch her?" Rhea asked Isaac with a glare.

"No." He replied. "I don't want to."

Rhea turned to me. "Flo?"

I shook my head. He didn't touch me like she think he could have.

"Fucking asshole." Rhea harshly let him go and took a couple steps back.

Damien then came in and studied the room. "What the fuck is happening?" He said lowly, also looked towards Isaac, then back to me in tears still.

"Get him out before I fucking kill him." Rhea snapped and turned around, rubbing hair head.

"No need, guys. I'll leave myself." Isaac wiped at his cheeks and then cleared his throat, straightening his jacket and leaving the room, bumping heavy shoulders with Damien. He shut the door behind him and all the tension left with him.

Damien put his arms out angrily. "What the fuck happened?" Looking to someone to answer.

Rhea squat down, rubbing over her face stressed and making these low grumbling sounds. She was so stressed.

"He was being an asshole." I told Damien.

"Why?" Damien asked.

Rhea got up and came over to me, grabbing my cheeks forcibly and making me look at her. "Are you sure he didn't touch you?" She whispered is weakly. Her eyes closed a second. "Because, Flo... if he did I swear to god I'll go-" her voice was breaking and it broke my heart.

"I promise." I assured her, putting my hands on hers on my cheeks.

She gave me the most guilty look. But it wasn't her fault. She kissed me on the temple and let out a breath. "Fucking cunt." She grumbled and turned around to pace the room. "I don't know what to do... I don't fucking know what to do."

Damien came over and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, smiling down at me, wanting to help.

But I wasn't the one who needed help. Rhea was stressing so hard. So much.

Damien saw that and went over to her, touching her on the shoulder, but she shrugged him off and kept pacing, deep in her head. Damien looked to me.

I met Rhea as she turned around and she stopped her paces. "Come sit with me." I grabbed her arm and she followed me onto a stool, which she took and pulled me onto her thigh. Hands tight around my hips. I put my arm around her shoulder and rubbed gentle waves on her bare shoulder. "Rhea... Please,.. if he is going to ruin a life, it can't be yours."

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