Part 111 - Mark You All Over

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"Hey." I said softly, coming to walk in front of a seated and angry Rhea.

She looked up at me stood up immediately. She grabbed my head and pushed my hair back. "What the fuck was that? Who was that?"

I put my hands softly on here. "I don't know. Just some crazy woman, Rhea." I tried to assure her. I really wasn't sure who the woman was or why she wanted my engagement ring.

"Fucking bitch, laying a hand on my-"

"Rhea." I cut her off and pushed her hands off my head as she was squeezing a little too hard. "Please calm down."

Rhea rolled her eyes and she went to either storm off, speak or scream. But Dom came over. "Hey, what was that? Are you ok?" He put his hand around my shoulders. Rhea noticed but didn't push it off, she actually sat down and closed her eyes.

"I'm fine." I told Dom. "Really, I have no idea what that was."

"You're always going through something." Dom pointed out, and Rhea let out a stressed breath like she knew.

"I know." I replied. "I can't get away from it." I joked, trying to make light of the situation.

Dom nodded but Rhea stood up and shoved Dom away. "It's not funny, Flo. You were attacked." She said annoyed.

"I know, please, I'm ok Rhea. It was just some crazy thief." I told her, putting my hands on her shoulders to try and calm her. Rhea rolled her eyes again and went to say something that I could tell was angry. So I kissed her on the lips quickly, making her shut up. "It's my birthday." I reminded her, and Rheas face softened. "Take me whenever you wanted."

"Mmm." Rhea hummed and hovered her lips over mine. "I'll take you over my dressing room counter in a-"

"Hey guys." Someone interrupted Rhea and she looked away angrily, then to the left at whoever spoke to us. It was Trevor. "Sorry, to interrupt. I just, I was wondering if I could talk to Flo." He looked to Rhea like he was asking permission.

I moved off Rhea and she didn't let me go. She was looking at Trevor, very annoyed. "Just wanna wish her a happy birthday." Trevor said.

Rheas eyes squinted at him. "You can't do it with me right here-"

"Rhea, it's fine." I told her, lightly pushing her shoulder. She gave me a look, telling me I'd pay for that later. But she walked off, giving Trevor an angry face. I watched as she went at sat across the room, by Damien. Watching us. She didn't move far at all.

"Happy 27th." Trevor got my attention, I smiled my thanks. "I just wanted to let you know I'm glad you're engaged. I hadn't got to tell you that yet."

"Oh, thank you." I replied sweetly, showing him my ring very proudly. We were on general terms. Talking just briefly, but nothing more. He seemed to not want to push or make me or Rhea uncomfortable. He was respectful, and seemed to be really working on himself.

"Damn. Being women's world champion must pay well." He grabbed my finger to examine the ring. I laughed but soon glanced to Rhea who looked like she wanted to cut off Trevor's hand. Luckily, she stayed seated, keeping herself controlled. "It's amazing." Trevor said. "Really proud of you."

"Thank you." I said sweetly, bringing my hands back to myself and crossing my arms.

Trevor cleared his throat. "There was another thing that I wanted to ask you. Without Rhea around." He turned his words to nearly a whisper. I tilted my head, curious to what he wanted. "Do you remember when we went to my brothers wedding?"

"Yeah." I say, memory of the night coming back.

"And do you remember what we promised my niece." He said again.

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