Part 71 - Common

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I pushed Trevor off me, standing up in my seat with my hands out. "Trevor!" I shouted in annoyance.

My eyes strayed over his shoulder, down the street a little to where Rhea was slamming shut the door to her car. By the look on her face... I was genuinely scared for the safety of a pleading Trevor in front of me. "Trevor... I don't-"

He interrupted me, standing up too. "You didn't give it a chance, Flo... Give me another chance." He whispered, reaching to hold my cheek but I tilted it away.

Oh, god.

Rhea was so close. She wasn't going to stop until she reached us. Reached him with her fists.

Trevor must have noticed me looking behind him, because he turned around, curiosity on his face.

I moved from my spot on the table and nearly ran to Rhea, putting two hands on her shoulders. "Rhea... please stop."

Rhea tried to move around me. "You think you can kiss my fucking girlfriend you cunt." Rhea was so loud and furious with him. I held her from attacking him the best I could, but she was still pushing against me to try and get closer. She was yelling these insults and threats at him, things I hated hearing.

It all got so much worse when Trevor opened his mouth.

"Maybe my rumours are true, look at you, you can't even control yourself right now. You'll hurt her." Trevor said, pointing to us and the way Rhea was nearly barging me over.

"So you did fucking start them." She snapped at him, and she put a hand on my waist, quickly pulling me to the side so she could charge at him fully now.

"That's right." Trevor had no fear on his face, as I watched Rhea stomp her way towards him, still throwing insults.

They were so loud. People were watching. Staring.

Trevor wasn't helping this situation, he was being an instigator. Like he wanted her to snap. "Come on, hit me. Hit me so my rumour proves true huh Rhea. Come on, do it," he was egging her on. He wanted her to do it.

"Rhea." I said and she stopped just before him, not touching him but getting so close to his face it was extremely irking to watch. My heart was racing,

I couldn't hear what she was most likely threatening him or insulting him with. I didn't really want to. Even Trevor gulped as was listening to what she was saying.

I could make out some parts from where I was standing. Some parts between sentences. "You're not only accusing me. You're accusing her of being weak. And you know she's far fucking from it." I rubbed my lips together in nervousness, as she seemed to get closer towards him. "Using her brother... fucking low." She grumbled it. "Manipulating her... fucking low. Kissing her..." she laughed low with fury. "Biggest fucking mistake of your life. I should-"

"Rhea." I said, cutting her off and forcing them both to look at me. "I just want to go." I said to her. "Please, let's go." I begged, then looked to Trevor was was watching Rhea and myself back and forth. "Trevor... Ill- I'll text you or something."

Rhea laughed deeply, looking at me like I was stupid. Then back to Trevor. "No she fucking won't be. You're done. Done with her. Done with us. You can-"

Trevor cut her off. "Here we go, ordering her what to do again. Seems like a common thing between you two." He was still egging her on to hit him or something. He had this twinkle in eye.

Rhea nodded and got up in his face, I could hear her smiling and chuckling. "It is a fucking common thing. I tell her to bend over naked and she fucking bends-"

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