Part 48 - Kiss Me Later

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"What the fuck do you mean they don't have 21 Jump Street?" Dom was complaining to Damien as they sorted through the movies on the plane to watch.

And Rhea and I had the pleasure of sitting right beside the pair.

"They just don't have it, Dom. That's what I mean. So, Interstellar." He tapped on the screen.

"I'm not watching that shit." Dom crossed his arms.

Damien lifted his in frustration. "Well they don't have 21 Jump Street, so you have to pick something else!"

I bent over the seat and put my head between their seats. "I would recommend Mamma Mia." I said.

Dom laughed. "Now that's a good movie." He agreed, which made me smile. I felt Rheas hands slink on my waist, only to pull the back of my shirt down over my backside. She didn't think my white shorts were very appropriate for the plane.

I knew I had to change them before we landed, as we had to be considerably covered in the country, as a sign of respect, but I brought a change of clothes.

So Rhea kept pulling my t shirt down, especially because there were some men behind our seats, who apparently looked at me for too long.

She was in a mood this morning.

But Damien rolled his eyes at my suggestion. "No way."

"Fuck." Dom grumbled.

I watched the two debate back and forth about movies. Giggling when they eventually decided to watch their own movies. But then they argued about who got what snack, but I convinced them to share them, swap the m&ms and chips between them every 5 minutes.

They were like children to be honest. And Finn was the most mature, sat in front of the pair, falling asleep.

This was a 20 hour flight, so I needed to get some rest myself. So did Rhea.

Sitting back in my seat, Rhea was scowling at me. "What?" I asked her.

"Don't what me." She replied.

"What?" I asked again with a cute grin.

Rheas jaw twitched as she took my face in. "So fucking bratty." She whispered.

"Oh, Rhea." I grabbed her arm and rested my head on her shoulder. Leaving my own shoulder free on the other side. "My grumpy girl." I said.

"Don't call me that." Rhea whispered, twisting her head to kiss me on the forehead.

"Mmm." I hummed and wiggled closer to her.

Rhea pushed me away a little, looking down at me. "Don't hurt yourself." She said softly.

"I'm fine, Rhea." I insisted, moving closer to her. "Actually, I'm not fine."

"What's wrong?"

"Cuddle me?" I asked her in a whisper.

Rhea let out this small laugh. "I'll hurt you."

"You won't." I grabbed her arm, and put it around my waist. Then Rhea put her other hand on my thigh, turning a little so I can rest more comfortably on her chest. "Thank you." I whispered.

"It's not hurting?" Rhea asked.

I shook my head. "Nothings touching my arm, Rhea. It's fine."

I laid in Rheas arms for maybe hours, falling in and out of sleep. My side began cramping up and I had to pull away, Rhea was still awake and had tired eyes.

"You didn't sleep?" I asked, putting my hand on her knee. Rhea shook her head slowly, letting me sit up. "I'm going to use the bathroom, and I'll be back."

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