Ankle and feet swelling

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Izzy's POV

As I was now 21 weeks pregnant, I was walking into the living and Jake saww me struggling as he then sees my feet and angles swelled up.

"Okay, you need to sit, down Izzy. You can barely walk." Jake told me as he helped me to sit down on the couch.

"Thank you, my h boyfriend." I thanked him.

"Anytime." Jake answered.

"Hey listen, I'm sorry for not listening to you for the few weeks. I'm just so nervous of becoming a father." Jake apologized as I looked at him.

"I forgive you, but please next time just looking for me." I said as I still felt the swelling on my ankles and feet.

"Do you still feel the swelling?" Jake questioned.

"Well, it doesn't feel good." I replied.

Jake's POV

"I'll be right back." I said as he went to go get something.

Izzy's POV

After a few minutes of waiting, My boyfriend came back with a stool.

"Put your feet up on the stool." Jake told me as I was trying to lift my feet up but I just couldn't.

"Jake, I can't do it. I need your assistance." I said as he helped me put my feet up in the stool.

"Phew, thanks Jake." I thanked my boyfriend with a kiss on his forehead.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Cubby wanted to know.

"My girlfriend's ankle and feet are swollen." Jake explained.

"Ooh, that's not good. Is there anything I can do to help?" Cubby asked.

"Yeah, do you mind if you can get me some water, Cubby?" I exclaimed.

"I'm on it." Cubby answered as he left to go get me some water.

"Thank you." I thanked him.

"Never talk about death in front of our child. That's in my tummy." I told him.

"Or maybe she got fired." I thought of a better guess.

"Fired from what? Being old? Hahaha." Jake asked while laughing.

"This isn't a laughing matter, Jake this is serious. And all your doing is making fun of an old lady who was mean to us." I explained.

"Yeah, your right. I'm sorry." Jake apologized.

"But what if at her funeral, she wrote teenagers should not be having kids at 17? Hahaha....uh oh." Jake said as he realized what he just said.

"Jake, sweetie I would love to chase you around the hideout with a stick once again but since my legs are swollen, I'm not doing that instead I'm going to hit you with a stick....again actually, you know what forget the stick I got baseball bat in my hand instead." I said while hitting him with the baseball bat.

"It's don't want us to have kids. And that's coming from me who is now 21 weeks pregnant. So tell me the truth do you wanna have this child or no? Because if it's a no, you and I are done for. And I'll just raise the baby on my own." I asked.

Cubby's POV

"What in the hideout, is going on here? Izzy are you alright? Why are you crying?" I wanted to know as I looked up at Jake.

"Don't look at me, I did not say anything to her. She just started crying for no reason." Jake said as I could tell he was laying.


"Jake, you're supposed to help her not make her feel bad, what's the matter with you?" I exclaimed.

"....I...I'm sorry Izzy." Jake tried to apologize but she just continued on sobbing.

"I may be the youngest in the group, but I'm not too young to say this to you Jake....Go in the dining room NOW?!" I shouted as he ran into the dining room.

"What did your boyfriend Jake actually say?" I asked.

"Well, we were talking about that old lady who was being rude to us and then he was going on and on about her being old and everything like the old lady's funeral, and what she would write on her gravestone. And Jake literally said That teenagers should not have kids at 17.  which is exactly what the old lady told us. I'm scared Cubby.  I don't know if I'm going to be a good mother, or Jake is just going to be a horrible boyfriend, and continue to ruin my life." Izzy explained.

Jake's POV

"Hey, can we talk?" I asked.

"I don't know, are you going to be rude to me again?" Izzy wanted to know.

"No. I'm sorry, I said those things to you Iz, I'm just so nervous of becoming a father." I explained.

"Well, I know you didn't mean to say those words to me Jake. And I understand how you feel, I'm nervous too." Izzy said as we hugged showing that I'm really sorry.

"And I am also sorry to you our unborn baby boy." I said while rubbing Izzy's tummy.

"By the way, you never told me what the baby's name is going to be." Cubby said as Izzy and I looked at each other and smiled again.

"Our baby's name is is going to be Issac Peter, Hutchinson." We both told him.

"Aww, what a cute name for my unborn nephew.

Izzy's POV

"Maybe, you need a nice hot bath to help with your swollen leg." Jake suggested as we were now in the bathroom.

"Are you going to help me out of the bath this time?" I asked.

"Yes." Jake answered.

As I was now in the tub. I was getting the treatment of a life time.

"Ahhh, this is really soothing." I exclaimed while Jake was sitting on the chair playing his game on his phone.

"Can I have some privacy please Jake?" I asked.

"No way, I'm not leaving you this time, because when you are done, I'm helping you out of the bathtub." Jake replied.

After I was done, I called to Jake.

"Hey Jake I'm done. Please help me out." I pleaded as he grabbed a nearby towel wrapped me up with it, and carried me to our bed. I think Jake and I are too close to each other like he's okay watching me being naked in the bath.

"Were you okay seeing me naked Jake?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah it's fine." Jake said as I blushed really red.

Cubby's POV

"Izzy, Jake, can I come in and talk you?" I asked while talking into their room crying.

"Aww, Cubby what's the matter?" Both Jake and his girlfriend wanted to know.

"I'm scared that my nephew won't like me." I explained.

"Oh, Cubby, our baby will love you. Even if he starts crying." Jake said as Izzy hit his head.

"Stop it." Izzy told him.

"Look, I'm happy that I am going to become a uncle, but I'm also scared." I explained further.

"Wait, are you sure the baby will like me?" I asked.

"Yes!" Izzy answered.

"I am also worried that Issac might cry in front of me every time I hold him." I explained even more.

"Hey, even our baby cries when you hold him, we'll try and calm him down." Jake told me as they both gave me a hug.

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