Izzys fourth Pregnancy

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Izzy's POV

It was a week after Valentine's Day, and I just found out I was pregnant with mine and Jake's fourth child. I wasn't sure if I was even ready to have a fourth kid running around the house. But it was happening anyway. So, while I was still in the bathroom looking at the pregnancy test, I was actually nervous. Nervous about what this new baby will bring us. I mean, will the kids love him or her? Will they not like their new sibling when it arrived in 40 weeks? We will see.

Jake's POV

"Izzy we are home from the park. Izzy where are you?" I called as I found he mr inside our bathroom.

"Oh, there you are. Hey you'll never believe what the kids did in side the sand box...? Are you okay?" I questioned.

"Jake, before I tell you this promise me you won't pass out?" Izzy asked.

"OK, I feel like that I am about to be punished. For something I did. Did I need the  did I leave the oven on? No, then I promise I won't pass out. oven on? No, then I promise I won't pass out." I said.

"Jake, I'm pregnant." Izzy announced as I than collapsed on the floor, not moving.

Izzy's POV

"Promise me, you wouldn't pass out Jake you just promised me that. Yeah, you broke your promise." I told him as I lifted his feet and dragged him out of the bathroom.

"Wow, I should go to the gym more often." I said as I picked up my husband and placed him on our bed.

"Oh my God, I just had the weirdest dream that my wife told me that she was pregnant." Jake
thought it was a dream.

"It wasn't a dream." I answered.

"No, it's real? We're going to have our fourth child together?"
Jake asked as I nodded.

Jake's POV

"Yay!" I cheered while picking up Izzy spun her around.

"We have to get everything ready, we have to do the nursery, get diapers, bottles, baby clothes, and...what?" I asked.

"Jake, we have time to do all of that before the baby comes. But let's just enjoy this moment together." Izzy exclaimed as she kissed me.

"But I want this to go well, Izzy. We don't want you to go through another C-section again like you did with Issac." I told her.

"Jake, are you scared of becoming a father a fourth time?" Izzy questioned.

"To be totally honest with you Iz, I am scared. I mean this is our fourth child here growing inside you. And I just don't want to lose you or the baby." I cried onto her chest.

"Hey, it's going to be alright Jake I'm still here. Nothing is ever going to change that. Look at me, I love you the kids, Peter, Cubby Stormy and Wendy so much and we will definitely love our new born in 40 weeks." Izzy explained.

"Okay, thanks Izzy. I love you too." I replied back as we both shared a passionate kiss.

"Wait a minute, I just realize something... Wouldn't have to move again?" I asked.

"Let's not go ahead of ourselves Jake." Izzy told me.

"You're right I'm sorry." I apologized.

"No, we are not moving, also Issac can share his room with Zack." Izzy told me.

"Oh goodie two brothers sharing a bedroom together." I exclaimed while clapping my hands.

"Oh brother." Izzy replied.

"Jake cut it out, please you are acting like your an 8 year old child again." Izzy said as I stopped clapping.

"Come on, let's go tell the kids the good news." I told her as we went into the living room.

Issac, Jasmine, Zack we have great news. We are going to have a baby!" I told the kids as Zack didn't say anything.

"Wow, another baby in the family how exciting is that?" Issac asked as we looked at Jasmine.

"Yeah! I hope it's a girl this time." Jasmine exclaimed.

"I hope it's another boy." Issac replied.

"What do you think it's going to be Zack?" I asked.

"Neither! I'm the baby okay." Zack said as he just stood there.

"But Zack you'll be a great big brother, to him or her. Just imagine all the things you can do with our baby brother or sister." Both Jasmine and Issac told him.

"Hmm, okay I'm going to start loving my baby brother or sister when he or she comes." Zack responded.

"Great, job Zack." We both told him as we gave our littlest son a hug.

"Well that was fast." I told my wife as she nodded in agreement.

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