Izzy's second ultrasound, Issac's 3rd birthday

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Izzy's POV

While Issac was spending his third birthday with his uncle and aunt, Jake and I were waiting in the in the waiting room for my second ultrasound.

"Izzy green." The doctor called as we walked into the ultrasound room.

Once we were inside, I laid down on the bed.

"Please lift up your top." The doctor said as she began to put the scanner onto my belly.

"There's your baby. Healthy and growing. Do you want to know the gender?" The doctor asked as I nodded my head.

"Yes, please." I answered.

"You're having a girl, congratulations!" The doctor told us as I cried happy tears.

Not only I was crying, but Jake was happy.

As the doctor hands us a second copy of my ultrasound scan, Jake and I went to go celebrate Issac's third birthday.

"Issac, your father and I have something to tell you." Jake told him.

"What is it?" Issac wanted to know.

"You are going to have a baby sister." I said as he was jumping up and down with excitement.

"Yay!" Issac cheered as he showed him the ultrasound scan to our son who eyes was glued to the picture.

"Aww are you loving her already?" Jake asked.

"Yes, daddy." Issac answered.

Jake's POV

"Okay time to start your small party worth your father, Uncle aunt, and I!" Izzy said.

"Let's open your present to see what you got this year little buddy!" I said as he opened the first first from me.

"Wow! Another Daffy Duck doll. Thanks, but I'm into ZingZillas toys. So, I've grown out of Daffy Duck." Issac said.

"You will never outgrow your first childhood toy, he will always stay by your side Issac." Izzy told him.

"I know I don't leave my first childhood toy." Izzy exclaimed while holding her teddy bear.

"Why, bring that with you?" I asked.

"Just want to show Issac that I never say goodbye to my childhood teddy bear." Izzy told me.

"You mean your childhood teddy bear that ripped and ruined?" I exclaimed.

"I'm going to ignore you." Izzy said as Issac opened his next president it was a ZingZillas toys from Izzy and I and it was a full set.

The theme this year is ZingZilllas.

Anyway, Cubby and Stormy got Issac a writing tablet so he can draw and practice his writing.

Peter got his grandson an automatic dinosaur that transforms into a car.

Izzy's POV

"Wow cool!" Issac said.

I got Issac dinosaur toys. Which he is obsessed about too.

"I am obsessed with dinosaurs." Issac told us.

"See I told you that he'll love dinosaurs, but did you or Izzy believe me? Nope." Cubby said.

I got Issac Walkie Talkie toys,

And a toddler bowling set.

Peter got his grandson walking Dinosaur toys.

I got my son, a transport airport cargo set, along with getting him a my first piano book. Jake got Issac a race truck track set which is big.

I got him a wooden train set, and a remote control car, along with another shirt that said RAWR, I'm three! As I put on him.

Cubby for Issac a remote control police car.

"You are going to jail, uncle Cubby get inside my toy car." Issac told him as we all laughed.

"I thought you were going to get Jake to go to jail that's why I got you the remote police car." Cubby said as he pretended to get out.

"Daddy, get in the car your going to the slammer." Issac changed the rules as we all laughed.

"Wait, what did I do?" Jake wanted to know.

"I don't know I just turned three." Issac answered.

"Cubby what did I do?" Jake asked.

"You killed someone. And that's a talking lamp." Cubby told him.

"Lamps don't talk." Jake exclaims.

"Oh, than you stole my cookie." Cubby told him.

"What cookie." Jake asked as he had his mouth full.

"Wait, Jake are your actually eating my cookie right now?" Cubby asked.

"No." Jake lied.

"Issac put your father in jail." Cubby said as we all tacked Jake to the ground.

"Yeah, tackle my daddy and then tickle him, we'll expect mommy I don't want my baby sister getting hurt inside." Issac said as Cubby, Stormy, and Issac tackled Jake and started to tickle him as I watched.

"I have the best som in the world." I exclaimed to myself as Peter was in on all the fun by tackling Jake.

"Take off his boots and socks, and tickle his feet with this feather Issac." Peter told him as he did and ticked his fathers feet.

"Hahahahaha, Issac your a great son, and also a jokester." Jake told him.

"Time for Issac to blow out his candles!" I said as we all went into the dining room.

Issac's cake was a ZingZillas birthday Cake with red frosting all over, that says Issac is 3.

"Oh finally I get to blow out my own candles." Issac exclaimed as he blew out his candles.

Issac's POV

"Yeah, yes I'm finally three!" I shouted as we all hugged our little boy.

"I'm proud of how much you've grown Isaac. Keep on growing." I told him.

"But I thought, you said you wanted me to stay your baby forever." I said.

"I do, but you need to grow up sometimes, and I'm not going to stop you from doing that. You're still going to be our first born. But when your baby sister comes she'll need all the love and support from her big brother." Mommy told me as I hugged her.

"I love you mommy!" I said as she hugged me tight.

"Oh by the way, Jake and Izzy what will your daughter and or niece's name be?" Uncle Cubby asked.

"Jasmine, Stormy Hutchinson." Mommy said as aunt Stormy started to cry.

Izzy's POV

"Stormy, are you...oh." I didn't get any to say as she began to hug me while sobbing.

"Thank you, thank you." Stormy thanked me as I patted her back.

You're welcome." I exclaimed.

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