The whole family meets Zack

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Stormy's POV

"Hey, guess who came to meet their new baby brother." I told Jake and Izzy as Issac ran over to his mother holding her newborn son while Jasmine hid behind me.

Issac's POV

"Wow, I have a baby brother he's so small. What's his name daddy and mommy?" I questioned.

"We came up with the perfect middle name too as well so, ladies gentlemen, Children of different ages we like, for all of you to meet Zack Cubby Hutchinson." Jake and Izzy announced.

" I'm sorry, but did you just say Zach Cubby Hutchinson as you put my name for his middle name?" Cubby questioned as he stated to tear up with happy tears.

"Oh my God I am so touched. Thank you my pirate crew." Cubby thanked them.

"Hi Zack! It's great to finally meet you, I'm Isaac, your big brother and that little girl over there is your big sister, Jasmine." Issac introduced himself along with his little sister.

"Jasmine, come and say hi." Issac told his sister as she walked up to them but backed away.

"Issac, I'm not the baby anymore. Zack, Zack.... ZACK IS! Wa." Jasmine cried along with Zack doing the same.

"Daddy, can I hold Zack?" I asked.

"Sure, did you wash your hands?" Daddy wanted to know as I nodded my head yes in response.

So as I got on mommy's bed, daddy gave me Zack as he was still crying.

"Shh, it's okay little guy your big brother Issac is here." I told him as I sang him the same song I sang Jasmine when she was born.

Once he stopped crying, he looked at me and started to touch my face as I smiled.

"Whoa, Issac you made you baby brother stop crying. Great job buddy!" Daddy said as I was proud of myself.

"Hey, Jake can I ask you and Izzy a question?" Stormy wanted to know.

"Sure, anything." I told her.

"What was Cubby's first plushie when he was a baby?" Stormy wanted to know.

"Oh, that's easy, Peter Izzy and I got him a coconut, plushie doll." I answered.

" Oh my God that's funny a coconut plushie doll? ha ha ha ha!" Issac laughed while I picked up Jasmine and placed her on Izzy's bed so she can say hi to her baby brother.

Jasmine's POV

"Um... hi, Zack I'm your big sister Jasmine." I said as he was sleeping peacefully.

"Can, can I stop?" I asked.

"You're doing great, baby sis." Isaac said.

"I'm going to close the door, I'll be with you guys later." I told them as I took Jasmine away from the room and into another room so we can talk in private.

" Jasmine look at me, Look at me, sweetie, look at me I'm not going to yell at you yo OK? I'm not like that. But I do want to know why would you say all that in one of all of us including Zack who woke up with your yelling? And most importantly, why would you say he's a disgrace to this family, and he's ruined everything?" I asked.

" Cause I hate him, I'm never going to get along with him as he gets older ever! I'm not even going to attend his 16th birthday party, his graduation or his wedding as time passes." Jasmine explained.

"Jasmine, Zack was just born not that long ago literally today." She told her.

" Listen to me even though you hate Zack now since he's just a baby, but as he gets older, you will begin to love him I promise you.  you are going to be there for all of his birthdays, his school, graduation,  Hi school, graduation college graduation and his wedding one day if he ever finds his soulmate too. Anyway, the point is, do you know that rocket ship plushy I gave him just not that long ago?" I asked as she nodded.

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