Izzy's legcramps...agaim

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Izzy's POV

"Ahhh, my legs are so sore. Jake wake up, wake up Jake." I woke up my boyfriend who was looking at legs.

"Izzy your legs are swollen, again. Here let's put you in the bathtub." Jake exclaimed as he got out of bed and carried me into the bathroom, placed me in the tub and turned on the water.

"Thanks, Jake your an amazing boyfriend." I told him as he kissed me on the lips.

"You better not leave me in the tub like you did when I was pregnant with our son Issac." I reminded him.

"Don't worry, I'm won't." Jake said as he gave me another kiss on the cheek.

"Who's my cute girlfriend? Izzy is." Jake said as I blushed.

"Okay, but our daughter or son will be more cuter than me." I told him.

"We will see." Jake said as I was bored as I began to relax in the water.

"Oh here's a toy boat." Jake said.

"Uh, Jake how old do you think I am, 7?" I asked.

"Yes." Jake answered as I pointed towards the exit.

"Daddy, mommy's 20, not 7!" Issac yelled from the hall.

"Jake go into Issac's room and get him ready for the day." I told him as he left.

Jake's POV

"Morning daddy!" Issac said as I kissed his little cheek.

"What are you doing up?" I asked.

"I couldn't sleep, still thinking if I am going to be a great big brother to my baby sister or brother, daddy." Issac exclaimed as I completely understood what he is going through.

"I completely understand besides, being a father for a second time is going to be hard. Remember, What your grandpa told you?" I asked.

"That you and Manny need my help raising my sister or brother once he or she is born?" Issac got that correct as I ruffled his hair.

"You are getting so smart." I said as I kissed his forehead.

"Uh, daddy are you forgetting something?" Issac wanted to know as my eyes widen.

"Oh dang your mother." I salad as I left him to play with his toys.

Once I entered mine and Izzy's bedroom and into the bathroom she was literally playing with the boat.

"I'm not even gonna ask." I told her.

"I got bored. Just, get me out of here." Izzy said as I picked her up after covering her with a pink towel and carrying her onto our bed.

"Thanks, Jake. I'll put in my robe." Izzy told me as she did.

Issac's POV

As I entered mommy and daddy's room, I got into their bed and turned on the TV and my favorite show was on. It was ZingZillas and I am loving it.

"Hahaha, this is funny." I said while laughing.

"I agree." Mommy agreed with me.

"Why are you agreeing with our son?" Daddy wanted to know.

"Hey, we used to watch this when we were his age." Mommy exclaimed.

"No we didn't. Izzy, you and I were three and ZingZillas didn't come out till 2010." Daddy said.

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