Jake interviewing potential pediatricians for our baby boy

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Jake's POV

As Izzy and I were getting reading to interview these pediatricians, Izzy was wearing a lose dress while I on the other hand W's wearing a suit with a tie with my hair back after I used some cool gel I got at the mall yesterday.

"Hey, you look beautiful." I told my girlfriend as she twirled around, but slowly trying not to fall.

"And you my Jake, you are most handsome while wearing that black suit and red tie." Izzy said as we heard the doorbell rang. It was our first interviewer.

So as we went downstairs, I opened the door and Izzy and I treated him as he was a tall man wearing a white suit with a bow tie, black coat, and black shoes. He was also wearing a customize watch. This was a good start so far.

But my worry is his first interview with this man.

"Hello, my name is Jake Alex Hutchison, and this is my girlfriend. Izzy rose Gren." I introduced us to the man.

"Hello there, my name is Greg, it's a pleader to meet you both." Greg exclaimed.

"If you can just follow us to the other room." I told him as we went into living room.

Anyway, our unborn child's name is Issac Peter Hutchinson, and we are the soon to be parents." I told Dr. Greg.

"First question, is this a solo or group practice? If it's solo who covers you when you're gone? If it's a group, how often will we see the other doctors in the practice?" Izzy asked.

"Well, there will definitely be a group practice, it won't be a solo, and you will be seeing the other doctors everyday, 24/7." Dr. Greg explained.

Izzys POV

"Second question, what is your Childcare, philosophy? What are your views on vaccines, antibiotics, alternative medicine, bottle feeding circumcising, sleep training, etc.?" Jake wanted to know.

"Well, to answer all of those questions, we definitely provide those things. Childcare, philosophy, vaccines, antibiotics, alternative medicine, bottle feeding circumcision, and sleep training." Dr. Greg told us but didn't explain.

"Excuse me, sir but my girlfriend just asked you some question." So please answer them." Jake said in a polite tone.

"I'm sorry, who's your girlfriend again?" Dr. Greg wanted to know as Jake's eyes went wide like it was about to pop out of the sockets.

"That would be me sir." I answered.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm just working out." Jake told him as he left.

Hello, you must be Sam. My name is Jake Alex Hutchison, this is my wife Izzy rose Green, and this is our unborn son Issac Peter Hutchinson." Jake introduced her to us.

" ice to meet you all. Excuse me Ms. Green May I touch your pregnant stomach?" Sam asked as I nodded yes.

"Will you discuss issues such as parenting strategies and our child's emotional and social development?" I wanted to know.

"Yea, I will be discussing issues such as parenting strategies and your child's emotional and social development." Sam answered.

But unfortunately, throughout the interview, she kept on touching my stomach.

"This is still ain't going no where. But let's continue. Will your initial meeting with our baby be at the hospital or the first checkup?" Jake wanted to know.

"Both." Sam answered while still touching my stomach.

Excuse me, but what is your schedule for well baby check up?" I asked.

"Wait, what was the question again?" Sam exclaimed as she was clearly confused and not listening.

"Okay get off my girlfriend's belly, and leave." Jake told her as she ran out.

"This is not going anywhere, Jake. I need a drink of water." I told him as I week into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.

"We well now we find get a pediatrician for our son, Jake." I told him.

Jake's POV

"We will Izzy just be patient." I assured her.

Hello, my name is Jake Alex Hutchison, this is Izzy rose Green my girlfriend, and this is our unborn baby boy Issac Peter Hutchinson. You must be Johnny.  anyway, how far in advance do well... appointments need to be scheduled?" Izzy questioned.

"Once a year." Johnny answered.

Do, you offer some-day sick appointments?" I asked.

"Actually we do! Here is the website." Johnny said as he gave us a card that had the website.

"Wow it has a snack area!" I exclaimed as Izzy facepalmed herself.

What are your hours? Are you available to see us in the evening or on weekends?" I wanted to know.

"I am actually available to see you in the evenings and on weekends." Johnny answered.

Izzy's POV

"Awesome!" Jake and I said in unison.

"But what if our baby gets sick when the office is closed? How are off-hours emergencies handled?" I wanted to know.

"Well, if the office is closed, and you guys are wondering about off hour emergencies, immediately call 9-1-1." Johnny answered.

"Do you respond to questions by email? Do you accept calls for routine and non-emergency questions? If myself or my boyfriend leave a message, how long does it usually take for you to return either of our calls?" I exclaimed.

"I can answer through, emails, calls, ooh and even text messages. I pick up any calls immediately. But if I don't answer right away, just be patient, and I'll get back to you." Johnny answered.

What hospital do you work with? If our baby has to be hospitalized we're would he be admitted?" Jake asked.

"Okay thanks for that wonderful question. I work for Neverland children's hospital. And if your baby would ever be hospitalized, he should go to the new born center, we just opened last month." Johnny explained.

Jake's POV

"Excuse me Johnny, Izzy and I would like to talk in private. So give us a few minutes." I said as he went to go use our bathroom.

"Oh which way is your bathroom?" Johnny asked.

"To your left, you can't miss it." Izzy told him as he left.

"So, I think Johnny answered all of our questions, Iz." I told her.

"Yeah, he seems like a good person to become Issac's pediatrician." Izzy agreed as Johnny came back.

"Well, did I get it?" Johnny wanted to know while he was drying his hands.

"Well, Johnny my girlfriend and I have great red to tell you... We would be our honor if you would be Issac's pediatrician." Izzy finished.

"So, I got the job right?" Johnny exclaimed.

"Yes!" We both answered.

"Wow, thanks so much!" Johnny thanked us while shaking our hands and left with a smile on his face.

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