Telling the news to Cubhy and Stormy a third time

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Stormy's POV

"Hey, guys we have great news to tell you two." Izzy said as she was looking at her husband.

"Ofoh what's the news, Iz?"  Cubby wanted to know as do I.

"I'm pregnant again with our third child." Izzy answered with us hugging the married couple.

"Congratulations, Izzy and Jake! How did the kids take the news?" I wanted to know.

"Issac really well he was happy, but Jasmine, not so much. She told me at she doesn't want a little brother or sister. She wants to be the baby." Jake explained.

"But Jake told her that she will always be our little princess. That's  why somebody gave Jasmine her very own Pirate Princess outfit, which was mine that shrunk in the drawer." Izzy explained while Jake gave her a sheepish look.

"I gave you a new one, stop complaining." Jake told her.

"Alex, do you, my sweet little boy get to be a cousin." I told our wonderful son who smiled for the first time at Cubby and I.

"Hi, Alex!" Jasmine said as she walked over to her cousin.

"What's the matter? You're not going to say hi to your parents?" Jake asked.

"No." Jasmine answered.

"What did we even do?" Jake asked as Issac came into the picture.

"Yeah, Jasmine's little upset still due to the fact that she doesn't want a little brother or sister. Sorry." Issac said.

"Yeah, I still want to be the baby. Sorry by the way, I want more juice in my sippy cup please Issac?"  Jasmine asked as Issac and Cubby went into the kitchen.

"I think we failed as parents, Stormy." Jake said.

"Honey, we did not fail as parents, Jasmine just needs to adjust the change." Izzy told him.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm going to go take a nap." Jake said while leaving the living room.

Izzy's POV

"Jasmine, are you okay?" I asked my daughter.

"No, everything's changing. What's next probably you're going to tell us that we're going to move away from the hideout." Jasmine said.

"Well....actually....hehe." I giggled nervously.

"Mommy, please tell me we're not moving?" Issac pleaded.

"OK we are not moving away from the hideout. But unfortunately we are." I told them as I covered my mouth.

"Jasmine, let's go to my room now." Issaccsaid as he took his baby sister and left.

Jake's POV

"What happened?" I wanted to know from my wife.

" I kind of told our kids that we're moving." I said.

"What? Izzy, you had no right. Well, at least not yet actually." Jake explained.

"Well, I'm sorry. I was going to talk to Jasmine about why she doesn't want a Little brother or sister, but then she just started asking questions, and that she wanted to know." I said.

"But then Isaac got upset and then
took Jasmine little sister into his room." I finished.

"Oh great who's the next person that's not going to be happy about us moving out of the hideout, besides our kids Izzy?" I asked.

"Hey, what's going on?" Cubby wanted to know.

"You may want to sit down for this Cubby." Izzy said as he sat down.

"Well Stormy, just put Alex to sleep, so what's up?" Cubby exclaimed.

"Once the new baby comes the kids, Jake and I would have to move out of the hideout." Izzy told him.

"What? No! This is not supposed to happen to us. We're supposed to grow old together all of us. You know you, Stormy, Jake and I. Watch our kids grow up together please don't do this to me who is going to read me stories?" Cubby asked.

"Sorry, force of habit. If you guys are about to move soon, once the baby comes, who's gonna run to hideout?" Cubby wanted to know.

"Well, Peter and I along with my wife have been talking, and we thought that it would be best for a certain friend to be the new ownership of the hideout once we leave. And that someone is you Cubby." Jake said.

"But I can't run the hideout alone. Plus this place needs a leader." Cubby exclaimed.

"Cubby, you've have shown a lot of progress, and we think you're ready to run the hideout." Izzy said as Stormy came in with Alex in her arms.

"And I'll be here too, Cubby." Stormy exclaimed. 

"Okay, I accept, the ownership of the hideout." Cubby said as we gave him a hug.

"....Mmmmm, I am going to miss you two." Cubby cried as he was sobbing while hugging us tight.

Izzy's POV

"We haven't left the hideout yet, so there is no need to start crying, Cubby." Jake told him.

"Sorry guys, I'm just a little emotional right now." Cubby exclaimed while wiping his tears.

"Good how about you go and clean your face and relax for a bit." Stormy told her boyfriend as he nodded and left to go wash up.

"Hey, Daddy, we're sorry." Issac apologized as he as Jasmine gave us their puppy face.

"You two do realize I can't stay mad at you right?" Jake told our kids as Jake and I hugged them.

"But I still don't wanna new diving in the family." Jasmine told us.

"But why?" I wanted to know as I kneeled down to her cute level.

"Because you will forget about me, Mama and Dada." Jasmine explained.

"Jasmine we will never forget about you. You are the most special second child we have ever have. Even though your mother and I will be busy with the new baby, we will still love you both no matter what." Jake told her as she smiled.

"Yeah, but it will take you some time maybe years to like your new baby brother or sister. The three of you, including Alex, will become the next generation of Neverland Pirates someday." I said as Jake looked at me with a glare on his face.

"Kids go watch some TV, I have to talk to your mother alone." Jake said as our kids walked off.

Jake's POV

"Why? Why, in the world would you say that to our son and daughter?" I wanted to know from my wife.

"Hey, when we grow old together and when it is our time to leave this amazing world, our kids and nephew Alex will take the role of being the next generation of Neverland Pirates." Izzy explained.

"That's not what I meant, but I'll accept your explanation." I told her.

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