Rosie's first words

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Nobody's POV

"Morning, Rosie!" Jake said to her.

"Dada." Rosie said as Jake took out his phone and recorded.

"Come on Rosie come on, come on come on come on say dada." Jake told her.

"Mama!" Rosie called as Izzy walked past her.

"Good job sweetie, I'm your mama. Who is that walking towards us with his crutches?" Izzy asked.

"Mmmm, Big butter Issac." Rosie answered.

"Hehehe dada, rosy cheeks." Rosie said as she started to poke Jake's cheeks.

"Hey, stop that stop that stop that." Jake responded.

"Okay, Rosie time to eat breakfast." Izzy exclaimed as she placed her in high chair.

"Ooh, food." Rosie replied as she started to her breakfast than placed the bowl on her head as a hat.

Izzys POV

"Okay, little one let's get you cleaned up." I went to clean Rosie up in the bathtub.

"Ooh, bubbles." Rosie exclaimed as she was enjoying her bath time.

"Want your rubber ducky?" I questioned as she took it.

"Hehehe, ducky." Rosie said with happiness.

"Hey, how's my little baby sister enjoying her bath?" Jasmine asked as Rosie looked at her sister.

"Big sister, Jasmine yay!" Rosie exclaimed with a cheerful smile.

Jasmine's POV

"Okay we are going to practice saying words, today Rosie. What is this called?" I wanted to know as we entered mommy and daddy's room as I held a teddy bear in my arms.

"Teddy bear." Rosie exclaimed while I nodded.

"Great job. What is this called?" I questioned while holding another object in my hand.

"Book, hehehe." Rosie said as I kissed her chubby cheeks.

"Fantastic job, Rosie." The rest of the family replied as they came in while Issac crutched himself over to us.

"Dada, pretty." Rosie exclaimed as she took Mommy's lipstick and placed it on Daddy's face.

"Hahahaha, aww you look beautiful, Jake-Bella. Just one question, when's the ball?" Mommy wanted to know as Daddy didn't say anything.

"Aww daddy I'll get you a dress." Zack said while giggling.

"Nobody is getting me a dress." Daddy said I as he left the room.

"Dada-Bella mad uh oh." Rosie said as she looked at the makeup.

"Ooh Rosie want makeup." My sister said as she was about to put the makeup on but Mommy took it away from her.

"No. Not until your at least 13." Mommy said aa Rosie nodded her little head.

Hey, did I just walk pass by Jake wearing lipstick?" Uncle Cubby asked as we all nodded while pointing at Rosie.

"Uncle Cubby, yay!" Rosie exclaimed with excitement.

"YES! FINALLY ONE OF MY NIECES SAID MY NAME RIGHT FOR HER FIRST TRIY!" Cubby cheered as Rosie clapped Cher hands.

"Come on Rosie to celebrate I'll take you and your new born cousin to the park." Uncle Cubby told her as he place her in her pram and left.

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