Izzy's ultrasound

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Jake's POV

Well we are off to Neverland Hospital, Stormy Cubby you guys are in charge of watching our kids." I told them as Jasmine was running towards Izzy and I.

"Whoa, where are you going little rnner?" Cubby asked her niece.

"With mam and dada." Jasmine exclaimed with a happy expression on her cute face.

"Sorry Jasmine, but this appointment is for your mother not for you. But we will be back with a present." I said as I kissed both my kids on the cheeks and my nephew Alex on his forehead.

"I love you guys." I told them as Izzy and I left for her ultrasound appointment.

Izzy's POV

As Jake and I arrived into the receptionist, I began to speak.

"Hi I am here for my ultrasound appointment." I told the lady as Jake was ringing the bell.

"Stop that." I said as he immediately stopped what he was doing.

"Okay, I'll need your name and date of birth." The receptionist exclaimed.

"Izzy Rose Hutchinson, April 7th 2006." I said as she wrote it down in her notebook.

"Just wait in the waiting room, the doctor will call you soon." The receptionist exclaimed as we sat down.

"Hey, Jake look at the baby picture of Issac." I said while scrolling through my camera roll.

"Aww cute." Jake told me.

"I know. He's almost 5 years old, can you believe it." I wanted to know.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Jake answered.

"Izzy Hutchinson." The doctor called my name as Jake and I walked into the ultrasound room.

"Mrs. Hutchinson, please change into your hospital gown." The nurse exclaimed as I did just that and sit down on the bed with a blanket over my lap.

"The doctor will be here soon." The nurse told me.

"Okay Izzy, please put your feet on the stirrups and I'll place the sheet over her knees." The doctor exclaimed.

"Jake, stand by my head, please honey." I pleaded as he did.

"Everything looks fantastic down there." The doctor said as he began to put the cold gel on my lower stomach and put the scanner on.

"You see that strawberry shaped figure on the monitor? That's your baby, congratulations!" The doctor told us as I cried tears of joy.

"I'll give you two sometime alone." The doctor said as she left.

"Jake, our third child, I am happy." I said.

"Here you go." The doctor said as gave us our picture of our third child.

"Thanks!" We thanked her.

"Come back when your 20 weeks pregnant to reveal the gender." The doctor said as we left.

"Hey, kids! We have something to show you." Jake said as he sat down on the couch.

"Here Issac, take a look." I showed him the sonogram picture of his baby sister or brother.

"Yay!" Issac exclaimed with excitement.

"Jasmine, sweetie do you want to look too?" I wanted to know.

"No." Jasmine told me.

"Hey, I'm happy for you Mommy, and daddy." Issac told us.

"Aww, thanks our almost five year old son." Jake said.

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