First Christmas as a Family

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Jake's POV

As I picked up Issac in my arms I bought him over to Izzy who took our son and kissed his little forehead.

"Merry first Christmas, Issac." Jake sad as Issac looked at him and me.

"Hey, Issac, Merry first Christmas, our little nephew." Stormy and Cubby said as they walked over to him with gifts.

"What did you guys get him?" Izzy wanted to know.

"I got him a pacifier, and Cubby got him new baby clothes." Stormy told us as Issac was looking at his presents from his uncle and aunt.

Where did you get the pacifier, Stormy, and is it for your boyfriend or for Issac?" Jake joked as I laughed.

"Hey, that's not very ni...". Cubby was about to finish as Issac placed his pacifier into his uncle's mouth.

"Haha." Stormy laughed.

As Cubby immediately took out the pacifier from his mouth, he and Stormy left us alone with Issac to have some family time together.

"Merry first Christmas again Issac, we love you!" We all said as he fell asleep in Izzy's hospital bed.

"Aww what a cutie." Izzy exclaimed.

"Gee thanks Izzy." I thanked her.

"Not you, Issac!" Izzy told me.

"Sorry for leaving your present in the hideout." I apologized.

"Aww, Jake you didn't have to get me a gift, becoming your girlfriend, and becoming a mother is the best gift you could ever given me." Izzy exclaimed as I cried a bit and hugged her so much.

"I love you, Izzy." I said.

"Love you too and Issac as well.

Izzy's POV

"But I did get you something from the jewelry store, Iz." Jake said as he got down on one knee.

"Wait, are you proposing?" I questioned.

"No, this is just a promise ring." Jake told me.

"Izzy I promise to stay by your side no matter what our future holds for us. You have always made me smile, laugh, have fun on our adventures, and make me feel safe when I'm around you. But promise me that you will always be my one true love and girlfriend." Jake said as I nodded and he placed the promise ring on my ring finger while I teared up and immediately hugged him tightly.

"Wait, what was the other gift that you left at the hideout?" I wanted to know.

"Oh, it was the painting you made of me. I was going to give it to you as a Christmas present." Jake said.

"Aww, Jake you are the best boyfriend, ever." I exclaimed as we shared a kiss.

As Issac started t get fussy, I took him into my arms and started to breastfeed him.

"There, there Issac your mother is here." I told him as he started to suck the milk out of me.

"Okay, Issac drink it slow, don't start choking, on breast milk." I told him as he continued to suck on the milk.

"Izzy, are you talking in baby language?" Jake wanted to know as I started to blush a bit in embarrassment.

"Hey, Issac needs this." I said.

"Okay, do whatever you want. I'm going to read my comic book." Jake exclaimed.

"Uh, since when do you read?" I wanted to know.

"Why do you need to know that?" Jake asked.

After I was done breastfeeding, my incision started to hurt as Jake took Issac out of my arms and began to burp him.


"Aww, a baby burp." I complimented with a cute smile while looking at Issac.

As Issac began to fall asleep on my chest, I also began to fall asleep.

Jake's POV

"Sweet dreams you two." I said as I kissed both of their cheeks went over to the couch, took a blanket, and fell asleep as well.

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