Izzy's second Baby's heartbeadt

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Izzy's POV

While I was reading a magazine, and Jake was reading a text message from Cubby, that read Issac misplaced the remote and he's stuck watching ZingZillers we were actually in the waiting room because today we are going to hear our second baby's heartbeat for the second time. The first time was with Issac so, go figure.

"I cant wait to hear our second second baby's heartbeat, Jake." I told him as he was messaging Cubby.

"Huh? oh, yeah." He exclaimed as I smacked him with a magazine.

"Izzy green?" The nurse called as we followed her into the room.

"Please lay down, and lift up your top slightly." The nurse said as I did. Then she uses the Doppler she placed it on my lower belly and we could hear our second baby's heartbeat as I got really emotional.

"Jake oh Jake we can hear our second child's heartbeat. Now I feel like having eight kids. Jake I want eight kids." I told him.

"....Eight kids...?" Jake wanted to know as he fainted.

After Jake fainted, I took a picture, of him and sent it to Cubby, and I wrote I the message saying "Jake's sleeping and he missed the whole stuff. Issac will believe that"

But as the nurse was about to spray water on him I volunteered to do it.

"Wake you you lazy!" I shouted as he woke up.

"Whoa, what in the world happened?" Jake wanted to know.

"You fainted after I said I want eight kids." I told him as he looked at me.

"No." Jake replied.

"You never know, Jake maybe we might even adopt kids." I told him as he went to go get a bottle of water as he then spit it out.

"ADOPT?" Jake questioned with big caps.

"Like I said you never know." I repeated again.

"Relax I was joking, Jake." I said.

"Oh, thank goodness." Jake said in relief.

As we arrived home, I developed to eat a apple, while Jake was eating a grilled cheese.

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