Jasmine's third birthday a trip to Disney World

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Jasmin's POV

"Mommy, daddy mommy daddy mommy daddy wake up wake up wake up! I am three years old. Yay.  So where are we going? Where are you going to be going?" I asked.

"Well, since we couldn't take you to Disney World on your last birthday, so to make it up to you, we decided take you this year!" Mommy said.

"Yaaaaaaaay!" I exclaimed with excitement as I was running around in circles.

"Now, we all need to shower. You need to bathe we need to get the boys ready pack our suitcases and head out theor, Peter Pan is going to drive us to the airport." Daddy told me as I ran into the bathroom as mommy begato wash me up.

Time skip....

Jake's POV

As I started to fold Zacks and Isaac's clothes and place them into their suitcases, I got them out of the door.

"Girls come on Peter pan's waiting." I told them as Jasmine came out with pigtails.

"Look daddy, I'm a mini version of mommy." Jasmine told me.

"I had to do it. She gave me the puppy dog eyes." Izzy said.

"You and I are going to have a talk later on right now we gotta go." I told Izzy as we placed our suitcase in the trunk got in Peter's car and left.

"Jake did you forget something in back home?" Izzy wanted to know as we looked behind us and saw that Zack was at home.

"Peter do you mind turning around so I can get something back home?" I asked as he did.

"Jake what did you forget?" Izzy questioned.

"Daddy forgot the baby." Issac told her.

"YOU FORGOT THE BABY!" Izzy screamed.

"Jacob Alex Hutchinson when we get into our hotel, you are in big trouble mister." Izzy exclaimed as I placed Zack in the car buckled him in and got back into the car.

Issac's POV

"Ha ha Zack's mad at you daddy." I laughed.

"We are already at the airport." Grandpa said as we all got out grabbed out suitcases and went inside to meet up with Cubby, Alex and Stormy. Add just like the last time our nephew, Alex runs up to Jasmine and hugs her.

Jakes POV

"I don't want those to becoming a couple." I whispered into Izzy's ear which she than stepped on my foot.

 Once we got up and checked in for our flights, we had all our passports ready. But first we have to get through the security guard security just what I needed another problem.

"Sir, please remove the metal fork." The security guard exclaimed."  as I did.

 "Why is it that every time I go pass security I get in trouble with metal objects?" i asmy wife.

"Maybe ?" Jack put it in your pocket to make it look funny." Izzy thought as Zack giggled.

"congratulations to guessed correctly cause he's giggling." I answered while tickling his little belly.

"Oh so let me get this straight daddy when Zack does something mischievous, rewarded with tickles? But when we do something bad, we get yelled at?" Issac questioned.

"I can't yell at a nine month old baby." I told him.

"And grounded!" Cubby added.

"Oh, come on." The kids exclaimed.

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