Jasmine transfers from a sippy cup to a regular cup

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Jasmine's POV

"No, I am not going to use a regular cup, mommy." I told her.

"Jasmine, you are four years old, you need to move on and start drinking out of a big girl cup." Daddy explained as I just pouted.

"I don't wanna start drinking in a big cup!" I screamed.

"But Jasmine, drinking out of a big cup is fun! It was hard for me, but I got it done." Issac said.

"Actually, Issac you drank out of your big boy cup fast." Daddy told him.

"Daddy, you are embarrassing me in front of my little sister. Then again, I don't remember doing that." Issac exclaimed.

" That's because you were four years old back room now you are seven. My little man is growing up." Daddy cried.

"Get a grip Jake." Mommy said.

Izzy's POV

"Jake, he was four years old three years ago. So cut the crying." I explained.

"Mama big boy cup, now?" Zack asked.

"Not yet you're still too young." I said.

"There are three stages...for you Zack You've gone from a baby bottle to a sippy cup, to a big boy cup." Issac explained to his little brother as he just sipped on his sippy cup.

"But Issac my handsome, big brother, I'm still drinking out of my sippy cup." Jasmine told him.

"Are you going to move from your sippy cup to a big girl cup now?" I asked.

"Never!" Jasmine cheered while running with her sippy cup and into her bedroom.

Jasmine's POV

"Dang it, not again." I cried as mommy came in.

"You had an accident, Jasmine?" Mommy questioned as I nodded my head.

"It's OK accidents happen I'll just cleaning up." Mommy told me as she picked me up and carried to the bathroom to washed up.

Izzy's POV

"Jasmine, we definitely need to potty train you before you go to school." I told her.

"Oh boy school!" Jasmine said with delight.

"Izzy, watch what your saying in front of our daughter." Jake said as he was passing by with laundry.

"What are you talking about? You run around naked all the time Jake." I told him.

"Yeah, in my underwear." Jake exclaimed.

"Stop fighting." Issac yelled from across the room.

"Sorry." We both apologized.

Jake's POV

"Wanna help me with the laundry, Issac?" I asked.

"Boy do I!" Issac answered exclaimed as he went with me to go to the laundry.

"Don't worry Zack is sleeping." I told my wife as she nodded.

"Jasmine if you potty train just this once and switch from a sippy cup to a big girl cup, I'll be the happiest mother in the whole entire world...? Jasmine where did you go?" I asked.

"Mommy, I'm doing it!" Jasmine said as she was pottytraining xherself.

"I guess that water really made you go." Jake guessed as he and Issac came back.

"We are so proud of you. It only took two years of trying, but you did it. You finally did it. Now, let's see if you can transfer from your sippy cup to a regular cup." We all told her.

"I don't know I'm a little nervous. What if I spell something?" Jasmine asked as Issac came back with a cup of orange juice.

"You got this, I believe in you little sis." Issac told her as she began to drink it slowly without spilling a drop.

"How do you feel?" Jake asked.

"I love this big girl cup. Thanks Issac!" Jasmine thanked her big brother as she kissed his cheek.

"Except, I only want my own regular cup." Jasmine said as Issac placed her own regular cup on the sink.

"Daddy and I went to the store and got you your own regular cup. It's not decorated, but we thought you can decorate it
yourself." Issac told her as Jasmine kissed her father and hugged her big brother.

"I love you boys." Jasmine told the boys as I cried happy tears.

"Hey Jasmine, let's go decorate your cup together!" I said as she took her cup and we went to go decorate it.

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