Izzy's baby shower

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Izzy's POV

"Why, am I getting ready all of a sudden ladies?" I asked the girls.

"Wait, am I finally getting married to my boyfriend?" I questioned while Misty was doing my hair, and Pirate Princess was painting my nails and doing my eyelashes.

"Uh....no. Just wait, and you'll find out once we head your side. I hear it's a beautiful day, for sailing." Pirate princess told Misty.

"Oh, yes it is a beautiful day to go sailing on Bucky. By the way Izzy have heard from Skully lately?" Misty wanted to know.

"Actually, now that you've mentioned it, no I haven't." I answered as I was putting lipstick on my lips.

"Huh, okay." Both girls exclaimed.

"So, how many weeks are you now, Izzy?" Pirate Princess wanted to know.

"34 weeks, getting really close to my due date ladies. But I'm a lot nervous about everything, when it comes." I explained.

"How so?" The girls asked.

"Well, I was excited that Jake and I are were going to have a baby, but when it came to all of those stupid symptoms I had, I never know carrying a baby for almost 40 weeks was going to be hard. Let's just say, I am super nervous." I explained further.

"It's okay to feel nervous, Izzy. Look at me and Misty, we don't have kids of our own, but you and Jake got this in the bag. We believe in you guys." Misty said as Pirate Princess nodded.

"Do you girls wish you two had boyfriend's where you can spend the rest of your lives with?" I asked.

"Uh... yeah." They both answered while blushing.

"What about having kids of your own?" I wondered.

"You mean changing their diapers, and raising them till they hit adulthood? Yeah I think we want kids if our own one day." Misty answered as Pirate Princess nodded in agreement.

"Aww, okay another question, you two had boyfriends of your own and kids, what would be the perfect name for them?" I asked.

"If I had to dream the perfect guy, it would be now please don't laugh when I say his name. But it's Captain Flynn." Pirate Princess answered.

"Oooh." Misty and I exchanged looks with glee.

Jake's POV

"Everything is ready! I told the girls as I helped IzY up as she w as still confused.f

"Uh what's happening?" Izzy wanted to know as we helped her walk downstairs and outsider the hideout.

"Open your eyes!" I told her as she did.

Izzy's POV

"Surprise, congratulations Izzy!" All of the girls said while Cubby blew a noisemaker.

"......wha, what's all this?" I wanted to know as Stormy walked towards me.

"It's your baby shower." Stormy answered as I was now crying happy tears.

"Wow, thank you Stormy!" I thanked her with a hug.

Okay, we are going to play a game called "What am I" you will need... plain not cards, a pen, safety pins for each guest, and prizes will be awarded. The room of this game is simple.... Prepare for this baby shower game by making a card for each just in writing a baby item on each card. For example, Dirty, nappy, dummy cot, and other baby themed items, as guests arrive, I will pin a card on their backs and have them mingle, asking one another other series of 'yes' or 'no' question to try to identify the items on their backs. After someone has correctly guessed, the card it will be taken off and win a prize at the end of the game." Stormy explained the game.

"Wait, I'm not involved in this game am I?" Jake wanted to know.

"Yes you are." I told him.

"Well, I'll be upstairs sleeping, goodnight everyone!" Jake said as Cubby pulled him back.

"Thanks, Cubby." I thanked him.

As we began the game, everyone was having a blast. Everyone but Jake. Who was looking at his card, the pen, and the safety pin.

"Hey, are you okay?" I wanted to know.

"I....I'm scared." Jake exclaimed.

"We will talk later, but let's just have fun that's the whole point of my baby shower." I said as I planted a kiss on his cheek.

While everyone was having fun the winner was Stormy as I gave her a bouquet of flowers.

"Wow, thanks Izzy." Stormy thanked me.

Jake's POV

As I started to up with a jar it says write a message for Isaac to open when he turns 18 in 2042, everyone started to write sweet and important messages on the piece of paper as they than placed it in the Jar.

"What was your pregnancy experience like at 17?" Everyone asked asked in unions.

"It was really challenging, I mean when I found out that I was pregnant, started to think Jake was going to leave me once I told him that we were going to be parents, he was happy and excited." Izzy explained to everyone as they all smiled.

Izzy's POV

After my baby shower, Jake and I had time to ourselves in our room.

"I can't believe you are almost due. How are you feeling?" Jake wanted to know.

"I feel heavy, with my round belly." I told him.

"Don't worry your due date is in a month." Jake said.

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