Izzy's Driving Test

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Jake's POV

As I walked into mine and Izzy's bedroom with a tray of yummy waffles, scrambled egg, bacon and a nice yummy chocolate milkshake, I placed it on Izzy's side of our bed.

"Good morning beautiful!" I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Oh, what time is it?" Izzy wanted to know.

"Driving to Time! So eat up, shower up and get ready. Since you don't have a car yet, I'm letting you use mine.  oh no, I am very scared of you using it. No offense." I told her.

"I'm scared too.  I mean it's  your 2012 Red Nissan pixo we are talking about here.

"You will be fine I'll be with you." I said as she finished eating her breakfast  got out of bed, mama hopped into the shower.

"Meet me in the car." I shouted as I took my keys.

"You got it, Jake." Izzy shouted back.

Izzy's POV

As both Jake and I got into the car, I was in the driver seat and Jake was in the passengers seat which actually felt really weird cause it's usually the other way around. I'm usually the passenger princess. But I know I can do this.

"Here are the keys." Jake said as I looked at them for a second and then took it. Once it was in the ignition, I turned the car on and the heard the engine start.

"Whoa." I exclaimed.

"I don't know if I can do this, Jake." I told him as I tuned off the car.

"Hey, you got this. When I learn how to drive, I didn't know what to do. But I never gave up. I kept doing it until I was driving on my own. Once I passed the test, of course. And I know you can do it as well because you're my brave smart, and intelligent girlfriend. You can do this just happened to be ignition start the car, and passed that gas pedal slowly." Jake said as I did.

"That's it that's it, you're doing it." Jake said.

"Now, pretend my car is a tricycle and you're peddling it for the first time." Jake told me as I started to imagine that Jack and I are six years old again and p

"Now, when you see a stop sign, just stop." Jake exclaimed as I did.

"Don't go yet because there's a little boy what a basketball crossing the road." Jake said as I looked to see Cubby.

"Jake, I like ridiculousness in these little kid clothing." Cubby told him.

"I told you to do this, for Izzy's driving test." Jake said.

"Can I just go down and pretend like I got run over?" Cubby asked.

"No." I answered.

"Just so you know, I'm only doing it because Stormy told me to do it not because you did." Cubby said as Jake ignored that.

"Let's go. Bye-bye!" Jake exclaimed as I drove off.

"Wait, I need a ride home." We heard Cubby say as I ignored him.

Cubby's POV

"Hello?" I exclaimed.

"Call a cab." Jake said as he hung up on me.

Izzy's POV

"How am I doing my hot driving instructor?" I asked.

"Great! just keep driving." Jake told me.

"Wow Jake definitely don't want me to damage your car." I said as he nodded his head.

"Hey, your a natural driver, Izzy, I'm proud of you. Someday you might even get a car of your own." Jake said as I parked the car at our hideout garage slowly.

"Wow, just wow. That was just the most perfect parking in the world. Who are you?" Jake wanted to know as I based him back his fkeys.

"Just your ordinary girlfriend, and mother to Issac, who likes driving." I told him.

"Yeah, but the parking, and the way you parked my car before anything...I just don't understand. How did you even know what to do? How did you even?" Jake did not finish because I kissed him on the cheek, shut his mouth.

"Hey, want anything to eat?" Jake wanted to know as we entered the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, a nice ham sandwich would be great, thanks Jake." I said as he started to make me a ham sandwich.

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