Izzys Breast Surgery

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Izzy's POV

As I was getting into the CT scan machine after I got admitted into the hospital, I was nervous cause what Jasmine did was not nice. Than again I can't blame my little angel, she's only a baby. And plus her tooth is coming in fast.

Doctor's POV

"Doctor, Izzy needs Brest surgery due to the fact that it's damaged." The nurse exclaimed.

"Agreed. Let's go tell her." I said as we went to go over to Izzy.

"Hi, is something wrong with my breast? Do I have to get breast transplants?" Izzy asked.

"No. But you would need surgery on it due to it being damaged and you would have to stay here for observation for two nights." The nurse explained.

"Okay." Izzy agreed.

Izzy's POV

"Wow, surgery on your breast, Izzy?" Jake asked as I was talking too him on the phone, before my surgery.

"Yeah, but lay low, I don't want Issac to get all worried about his mother. And Jasmine, well, she won't remember anything once she turns three." I exclaimed.

"True. But I'm sure you'll do good." Jake told me.

"Miss Green, we are ready." The doctor said as I blew Jake a kiss, and hug up.

"Okay let's fix my breast." I said as the doctor started to wheel me into the operating room.

As the doctors started to get everything ready, the anesthesiologist placed the anesthesia masks on my face as I started to breath it in.

"Alright Izzy, start counting down from ten to one." The anesthesiologist exclaimed.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.... Night night." I said as I was now knocked out like a light.

Doctor's POV

As we started to place all the wires onto Izzy's body, like the heart monitor, finger oxygen, and ext, the surgeon placed the operating sheets over her accept her breast where we would do the surgery on. Once everything was set, we began the surgery.

Jake's POV

As I was trying to put the sippy cup into Jasmine's mouth, she grabs it and threw it across the table and cries. But I started to give her cuddles. I try again as I picked up the sippy cup. Once it was finally in her mouth she took a few sips, but has a few spit ups though as Issac started to sip her mouth with her Cinderella bib, like s great big brother he is.

"Good job, Issac!" I said as he smiled.

"P exclaimed.

"Okay, here's a high five." I told him.

"What, no tip?" Issac questioned.

"I can't tip you, you're only three." I reminded him.

"Aww, coconuts." Issac said.

"Oh great, another Cubby in the room." I told myself whole shaking my head and Jasmine laughed her first laugh.

Surgeon's POV

Once Izzy's Brest surgery was done, we immediately closed her up brought her into the CT scan room to make sure it's healed.

"Okay, how does her breast look now?" I asked.

"Good, healthy, and the same as before." The doctor exclaimed as W's than brought her into the recovery room.

Izzy's POV

As I slowly woke up, I felt a little groggy from the anesthesia. As I saw someone holding a bouquet of flowers, it was my soon to be husband Jake.

"Hey, how was your surgery?" Jake as I was confused.

"I had surgery? On what exactly?" I wanted to know.

"You're breast." Jake answered.

"Oh." I exclaimed.

"Yoxu don't remember?" Jake asked.

"Nope. I feel great. But also, in pain. Is this normal? Also are those flowers for me?" I wanted to know.

"Oh, these? No, there for another girl." Jake joked.

"What other girl?" I wanted to know immediately.

"Our daughter." Jake answered.

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