Jasmine uses her first sippy cup for the very first time

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Izzy's POV

"Okay, Jasmine, since you are 6 months old now, I think I should transition you from a breastfeeding to a sippy cup." I told her as I had her on my lap, picked up the sippy cup and was about to place it in her mouth when she threw it across the table and started to cry.

"Oh, no Jasmine, don't cry, please don't cry. Daddy's here." Jake said.

"Do you guys want super Issac to come over and help?" Issac asked.

"No, we are fine Issac. Keep watching your your new favorite show." I exclaimed.

"Since when did he like Chugginton?" Jake wanted to know.

"Mind your business, daddy." Issac told him. 

"The answer would be a no, Issac. I won't mind my own business till I'm 60." Jake said as I slapped my forehead.

"Jake, you're a mess." I exclaimed.

But that's when Jasmine started crying cos she's teething, so Jake gives her a teething toy to her.

"Aww, there you go, Jasmine start teething away." Jake said as she did. And really fast too.

"Okay, not that fast sweetie." I reminded her as she did it really slowly.

"I think she's hungry, I'll go into our bedroom honey for privacy." I told my the my soon to be husband as I took Jasmine off of Jake's hands and walked into our bedroom.

Once I arrived into mine and Jake's bedroom, I began to latch Jasmine's lips on my breast, as she began to be breastfeed. After that she bites my breast.

Jasmine, no. we do not bite mommy." I said as she looked at me.

"Yeah, don't bite mommy again." I exclaimed as she smiled at me for the first time.

"Omg, you said your first word at 6 months, old. Okay, who am I?" I wanted her to know.

"Goo goo." Jasmine said.

"Aww, you said goo goo." I exclaimed.

As Jasmine started to cry again due to her teething, Jake gave her another teething toy.

"Hey daddy guess what I'm watching the PJ Masks as my new favorite show." issac told him.

Jake's POV

"What happened to chugginton?" Izzy asked.

"I got tired of it." Issac said.

Later on, Jasmine started crying again.

"Maybe we should try the sippy cup again?" I suggested.

"I'll just breastfeed her." Izzy told me as she took our daughter inside the nursery for privacy.

Izzy's POV

As I latch Jasmine's lips onto my breast, she began to suck the milk out. But thats when she decided to bit my breast as it begins to bleed a bit.

As I placed Jasmine in her crib, I went into mine and Jake's bathroom, to put a tissue on my breast to stop the bleeding. But unfortunately it started to really hurt.

Jake's POV

I'll try the sippy cup again." I exclaimed.

But as I tried like three time to have Jasmine use her sippy cup, she threw it across the table again and started to cry.

"Oh, Jasmine it's okay. Daddy's here." I told her.

"Uh, Jake Jasmine is not ready for the sippy cup no matter how hard we try." Izzy said.

"Yeah, but she keeps biting your breast when you breastfeed her." Jake pointed out.

"Why is Jasmine so challenging? I mean with Issac, it was so easy to transition him onto the sippy cup." I asked.

"But Iz, Jasmine is the opposite." Jake said.

"My breast is red, and sore." I exclaimed.

"You need to go see a doctor right away, Izzy. Jasmine might've done damage to your breast." Jake said as I nodded grabbed my keys, and purse.

"Do you think you can his down the fort until I return?" I wanted to know.

"Yeah. Besides, I got Issac to help me out. You go get checked out. Love you." Jake said.

"Love you too." I answered as we kissed.

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