A weekend getaway to the Lodge

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Jake's POV

As Issac was 18 months old along with being one years old already, Peter was kind enough to watch over him while Izzy and I went on a weekend getaway to a lodge. At first, Izzy didn't want to leave Issac again but I told her that we would be back.

"But Jake what if something happens?" Izzy wanted to know.

"Oh, like what?" I asked.

"Like... what if there's s fire inside Peter's hideout?" Izzy exclaimed.

"Would you stop worrying, Peter's got this." I told her.

"Oh, your the one who was crying while I was driving in your car saying Issac three times!" Izzy told me.

"Oh, your the one to talk to, you just wouldn't give Issac to Peter." I said.

"Oh, be quiet." Izzy exclaimed.

"The only reason I am saying that is because of Issac's safety." I told her.

"Oh look we are here!" Izzy said.

Izzy's POV

Once we arrived, Jake and I unpacked our stuffs.

"Wow a weekend getaway, just the two of us Jake. So, what do you want to do? I'm thinking we should go walk on the bored walk." I suggested.

"Hmm., okay, after we get in the nice hot tub, and release the stress." Jake told me as I nodded.

Once we got into the nice hot tub, we started to feel it.

"Ahhh, this is nice. You feel that Jake? That's the feel of hot water, touching your skin." I exclaimed as he nodded in agreement.

"I never want to leave this hot tub." Jake said as I smirked at him.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the hot tub." I joked.

"Hey!" Jake said as he splashed water at me.

"Ahhh, hot, hot." I screamed as for out of the hot tub.

"Oh what a big baby." Jake exclaimed as I marched back over to him as smacked his arm.

"I was only joking." Jake said as I splashed him back with water.

"Oh, great, now I'm wet." Jake complained as we started to feel the water again and it was nice.

"I'm sorry Jake." I apologized.

"Oh, it's on." Jake said as he started to splash water again at me.

"Hey, Jake stop it." I exclaimed while giggling.

As Jake took me by the arms and spun me around.

"Oh, Jake, this feel really romantic." I said as he kept spinning me around.

"Hey, your my only forever girlfriend, and I want you to be more than my girlfriend one day." Jake said as he looked at me romantically.

"Whoa, Jake." I said as I kissed him on the lips.

"I love you." Jake exclaimed add as I smiled.

"I love you, too." I replied back.

"Look, we are really wet now. Hey pass me my towel." I told him as he placed the link towel on my head, while we started to watch the pink and orange sunset.

Jake grabbed his phone, and took a picture of it.

"Izzy, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known for a long time." Jake exclaimed as I kissed him.

"You are my king, Jake." I said as he smiled at me.

"The sunset is so beautiful. Right Izzy." Jake asked.

"Oh, yes Jake the sunset is beautiful." I answered.

"Hey, I think we should get out of the hot tub and go inside to watch Friends." I suggested as we got out since it was getting dark went inside Jake got into his PJs while I got into my nightgown and started watching Friends as a couple with popcorn and soda.

"Hey, Jake I miss Issac, I totally forgot what it was like being a childless couple." I said.

"Its okay this is only for the week end. Wait, I just realized it's 2025." Jake exclaimed.

"Yes, and your point is?" I wanted to know.

"Oh no reason." Jake said.

"But you just said..." I didn't get to finish as Jake cut me off.

"I know what I said, just forget it." Jake answered.

"Okay." I replied.

After we binged watched Friends for a few more hours till we got to the finale, we shut the lights and went to sleep.

Jake's POV

"Come on you stupid bed, let me go to sleep." I said as I was pinching the pillow a thousands time.

"Jake don't through a fit." Izzy exclaimed in her sleep.

"I'm not." I answered.

As I noticed Izzy's blanket, I also noticed she was sleeping with her teddy bear in her arms.

"How come I don't got nice things?" I asked myself.

 The next day, Izzy and I decided to sit outside our lodge and play games.

we started to play Uno, and Uno Flip, double blind drawing challenge, and Frends version of Monopoly.

"Haha, I win all the games!" Izzy told me.

"Oh, come on." I complained.

"Jake, you were so close it's just a game." Izzy explained as I agreed.

"Yeah you're right. Hey, are you hungry?" I asked as we both got up.

"Yeah, let's go cook together." Izzy told me as I took her hand and we walked into the kitchen and started to make lunch.

Izzy and I were making Tomato and pasta for lunch so once it was all cooked and ready we sat down and ate our lunch.

"How's you're pasta Izzy?" I asked as she gave me a thumbs up.

"Delicious, Jake! How's yours?" Izzy wanted to know as I showed her my empty plate.

"Wow, I guessed you really enjoyed it." I answered while we both laughed.

As Izzy got into the hot tub again, we were enjoying the sun in this really hot afternoon weather.

"Let's go get some water, Izzy." I told her as we got out and went to go get two water bottles.

"Two water bottles please." I said as I paid for our water bottles.

"Thanks!" I thanked the lady as Izzy and I drank our water bottles.

Izzy's POV

As we decide to spend our evening and night in bed, Jake got the popcorn ready, so we can start watching a movie. The we picked as a couple was beauty and the beast cartoon version.

"Oh, Bell is so beautiful." I said.

"Wait does that make me the...beast?" Jake questioned.

"Well, there was that one time you turned into a world beast, so yeah. Anyway, I miss Issac." I said as he looked up at me and smiled.

"We will see him soon." Jake answered.

"Great!" I told him while I was happy.

The weekend getaway was over for Jake and I, so we drove back to pick up our one year old Issac.

"Hi, Peter! We are here to pick up Issac." I told him as our son can walking over to us while drinking his sippy cup.

"Mama!" Issac exclaimed.

"Who am I Issac?" Jake asked.

"....Jake!" Issac answered as Peter and I giggled.

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