Jake takes Izzy to the Hospital

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Jake's POV

"Ugh we've been waiting for three hours, when will I be seen?" Izzy asked as she was not feeling well still while we were both waiting in the waiting room.

"Uh, Jake I feel like I'm going to be sick." Izzy told me as I took her to the restroom. Once I opened the door, she immediately threw up in the toilet as I held her hair back.

"Ahhh, my side hurts, Jake." Izzy said.

"Okay, Izzy breath in and out you will be okay." I told her as she glared at me.

After Izzy was done throwing up I helped her back to the waiting room. Once I sat her down I went to the receptionist to try and get someone to see her because her condition just gotten worse as she just threw up.

"Excuse me, my girlfriend needs to be seen immediately, her condition just gotten worse by throwing up." I explained

"I'm sorry Mr. Hutchinson, but your girlfriend need to follow the rules by waiting like everyone else. You don't see me complaining. Now do you?" The receptionist asked as I gave her a look that had a bad word in it.

As six hours went by a nurse came into the waiting room.

"Izzy Rose Green?" The nurse called as I helped her up and we went into her office as she then shut the door.

"Izzy, please sit down on the table." The nurse told her as my girlfriend sat down.

"Okay, Mr. Hutchison, what's wrong with her?" The nurse wanted to know.

"Well, she started burning up, to the point I had to take her temp. It first read 100.6 degrees, then she started throwing up in the bathroom, on the floor, and then back in the bathroom today. Oh yeah and she was complaining that she was hot and cold. Along side that she started to say that her side began to hurt her." I explained.

"Oh and one more thing, her temp now read 110.6 degrees this morning." I told her everything.

"Hmmm, you said that her side hurts right?" The nurse asked as we both nodded.

Izzy's POV

"Izzy, mind if I feel your stomach." The nurse wanted to know as I looked at Jake.

"Izzy let the nurse feel your stomach." Jake said as I nodded.

Once the nurse began to tap, and press both my sides, I winced in pain as she pressed my right side.

"Ahh." I screamed as she took my temperature."

"Okay, I think she just has a stomach bug." The nurse told Jake which we both didn't think it wasn't a stupid stomach bug.

I feel like it was more than a stomach bug.

"Uh, are you sure?" Jake asked.

"I'm pretty sure it's a stomach bug." The nurse answered.

"Can she have any medicine for it?" Jake wanted to know.

"No. All she needs to do is rest and have plenty of fluids." The nurse said as Jake and I left.

But as we were about to head back home, Jake stopped the car.

"Uh why did we stop? There is no traffic light Jake." I told him.

"Huh, oh sorry I was thinking about what that nurse told us about the pain you are having is just a stomach bug. I for one don't believe it." Jake exclaimed.

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