☆"What Eyes?"☆

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[ Jake and Johnnie are looking at each other with those eyes :3 ]


"Why are you looking at me like that?" Johnnie asked as his eyes are intensely looking into Jake's. Admiring the little details.

"Because you're wearing my shirt." Jake chuckled, "It looks cute on you, but I'd rather have it back."

"You said I can borrow it." Johnnie smiled, his eyes never leaving Jake's. The contact between the two is so intense.

"Yeah, but I didn't mean forever." Jake said, chuckling.

"I know, but I didn't say that, did I?" Johnnie laughs as his blue eyes sparkle as he looks at Jake.

"No... but also, Because I'm curious..." Jake said, running his fingers through Johnnie's hair, "And you look absolutely adorable in my shirt"

Johnnie blushed, he couldn't look away. Staring purely into Jake's honey-browns.

Jake giggled, leaning down and giving Johnnie a kiss on the forehead. He then turned around, grabbing Johnnie's waist and spinning him around so that he was facing him. "You're adorable..." Jake said, before kissing him on the lips.

Johnnie returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around Jake's neck before he pressed his forehead against Jake's. "You keep looking at me with those eyes."

"I can't help it... I love you..." Jake said, leaning back a little to look at Johnnie's eyes. "They're gorgeous..."

"What do my eyes remind you of?" Johnnie smiled a bit timidly.

"They remind me of... the sea. They're a beautiful, deep blue. And they always have this... sparkle to them. I can't look away..." Jake said, running his hand along Johnnie's cheek.

Johnnie leans into the touch, his smile cracks into a toothy grin, showing his crooked teeth. "Yeah..? Your eyes remind me of honey, I can drown in it...or whatever that cliché shit is."

Jake laughed softly, "Oh, stop it..." he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "I know you think my eyes are beautiful..."

"I do, yeah. You read my tone wrong." Johnnie giggles, "I was saying they remind me of honey, but I sounded cliché when I said that."

"Oh, okay..." Jake said, "Well, I still love you. Cliché or not." He leaned down and kissed Johnnie again, his hands resting on his waist.

Johnnie returned the kiss, playing with the back of Jake's mullet as he happily moved his lips in sync with him.

Jake pulled away after a few moments, his lips still tingling from the kiss. "You know..." he said, "I think I like you in my shirt..."

"Yeah..?" Johnnie giggles. "Then maybe I should wear your clothes more often." He stuck his tongue out.

Jake laughed and rolled his eyes. "Maybe you should..." he said, "I'm sure you'd look adorable in my hoodie."

"Yeah? Hand me one then." Johnnie laughs as he grabs Jake's hand and tugs him up the stairs.

Jake chuckled and let Johnnie drag him up the stairs, not resisting in the slightest. He led him to his room and opened his closet, pulling out a grey hoodie and handing it to him. "There you go..." he said, grinning.

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