Imagine- meeting TFW

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-Trigger Warning-
Imagine- you are a hunter and you meet Team Free Will. Btw you're a girl
    You were on a demon hunt and everything was going well. You had tracked down the demon to an abandoned house. After picking the back door, with an angel blade in hand you walked down the hallway of the house. After clearing the first and second level, finding nothing, you began to descend the steps to the basement. Upon turning the corner you were met face to face with not one demon, but five demons. Before you could react something hit the back of your head and everything went black.
You woke up tied to a chair in that same basement. Your jacket, shirt and pants were gone, leaving you in a tank top and underwear. Your belongings were on a table on the other side of the room, too far away for you to reach. You heard the door to the basement open and footsteps came down the stairs. One of the demons you saw earlier stood there grinning holding a knife.
"Hello pretty thing" he said approaching you.
"Get away from me, you fuckface" you hissed at him. He slapped you.
"You will show me some respect." the demon said. You just laughed.
"Make me" you said daring him. The demon took the knife to your skin. Make a slice on your forearm. You didn't even flinch, you were a hunter you could handle a cut. Then, he made more cuts, cutting deeper each one. The sixth cut, he made to your stomach, and you let out a scream. He smiled.
"There we go" he said. "Lets get down to business. I want the names of your connections"
"You're gonna have to try harder to get me to crack" you replied.
"You asked for it, bitch" he said picking the knife up again.
-Time Skip brought to you by Mulan-
You had been in the basement of that abandoned house for a week. Every single day they would torture you, cutting into your skin, pulling out fingernails and do other horrendous things. Your clothes were just shreds of fabric. You hadn't cracked yet,but you were almost there. You started to wake up after passing out from the last torture session. Everything was blurry, you had lost a large amount of blood and you hadn't eaten at all. Then, you heard noises coming from upstairs. Then, one of the demons came running down the stairs of the basement. He ran over to you cutting the ropes that held you to the chair. He stood you up, you yelped when he grabbed you. Then, you heard more footsteps coming down the stairs. Two men stood there, one holding a shotgun and the other holding a knife. The demon put a blade to your throat.
"Let the girl go you sonnuva bitch" the shorter one, holding the gun said.
"Not a chance, she's my ticket out of here" the demon replied, trying to push you towards the storm door entrance. Then, a bright light erupted behind you. The demon dropped to the ground, dead. Without the demon keeping you standing you fell to the ground, unconscious.

    You woke up on a bed in a dirty motel. On the night stand were all your things. All of your wounds were healed, and these people had found your clothes and put them on you. You climbed out of bed, and opened the door separating the bedroom from the rest of the motel room. Sitting at the table were the men who saved you.
"Oh your awake" The taller one said, standing up. He held out his and and you shook it. "I'm Sam. *pointing to the green eyed one* That's Dean. *pointing to the one in the trench coat* And that's Castiel"
"Wait Sam and Dean? Like the Winchesters?" you asked.
"Yeah that's us" Dean said looking proud.
"You're Castiel! Their angel!" You said looking at Cas.
"I am an angel, but  don't understand how I am their angel, they don't own me?" He asked tilting his head.
"So what's your name?" Sam asked.
"y/n, y/n y/l/n... Thanks for saving me, but I should be going now" you said heading back to the bedroom to get your stuff. You collected you stuff and headed towards the door.
"Wait, y/n!" Dean said getting up from the table. "Give us a call if you need anything." he said handing you a slip of paper with a phone number on it
"Sure thing, and thanks again" you said before leaving.
So that was my first imagine! Hope you liked it!
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