OneShot: Fight Club

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So the video above got me thinking... How much cooler would this be in the supernatural world?
The original is the CW's not mine.

You got into the elevator with Sam and Dean.

"Just give me a tiny hint," you whined. Sam smiled and pushed the elevator button. The door dinged and closed.

"Nope," he replied with a smirk.

"You're part of Team Free Will now, we thought you deserved a proper initiation," Dean added. You rolled your eyes.

"It's something we do to blow off some steam," Sam added.

"Do you mean you two or more people?" You asked.

"Just remember this club has only one rule-" Dean said, ignoring your question. The doors dinged and opened. "There are no rules," he finished. You walked into to see a big cage and people leaning on the bars. Charlie was standing by a score board. You watched as Cas jumped into the ring. You climbed up on the cage, watching the fight. You didn't recognize the angel that jumped in to fight him so you leaned over to ask Sam.

"Who's that?" You asked.

"Zachariah, he got a new vessel," Sam replied. They both moved with great speed and agility and were pretty evenly matched, being that they were both Seraphim. Zachariah hissed something in enochian at Cas with a smile, and Cas made a low growl and charged at him, knocking him to the ground. You smirked as Zachariah tapped out after a few punches to the face. Cas stormed out of the arena.

You watched as Sam and Dean jumped in and you only slightly freaked out as Michael and Lucifer jumped in. Sam took on Lucifer, both of them trying to use their height to their advantage. Dean and Michael went at each other, making calculating movements.

"Team up," you mumbled quietly. You think Sam heard you, for he grabbed Dean's arm. Sam pulled, giving Dean more force as he kicked Lucifer in the jaw. You smiled and cheered with Cas. Lucifer looked back up and you gagged a bit at the sight of his unhinged jaw. Michael moved over to him, leading out of the cage. You saw Charlie change the 'Days since last injury' board to zero.

"Nice call," Sam commented, climbing through the bars to lan on them best to you. You watched as Abbadon walked into the cage. No one appeared to be taking her on, so you dropped down.

"Y/n Y/l/n," she purred, squaring off with you.

"Abbadon," you growled back. You turned back to look at the brothers. "Dean! Scrunchie!" You ordered. Dean's eyes widened, before throwing you your scrunchie.

"Haha! You're screwed!" Charlie teased from her station. You smiled and pulled your hair back. Just as you finished, Abbadon rushed at you. You rolled out of the way, landing on your feet. You threw a punch and she blocked. She fist flew right at you, hitting your cheek. Your head turned with the force. You backed up and spit out blood. You rushed her this time and knocked her to the ground. You both rolled around on the floor until she landed on top of you and started to beat your face in. You grabbed her shoulders and threw her off of you and stood up. You reached your back pocket and grabbed your flask. As she charged, you flicked the flask at her, splashing her wth holy water. She hissed as her skin sizzled. You took the second to knock her to the ground. You sat your foot on her stomach and she tapped out. You smirked and just as you were about to leave the arena you were knocked over by an invisible force. You toppled to the ground and looked up to see a familiar archangel.

"Raphael," you hissed. She was using her female vessel. You stood up and attempted to fight her, but she definitely was much stronger than you. Just as she was about to deliver a kick, a hand wrapped around her ankle.

"Gabriel?" She asked. You saw one of your closer friends, Gabriel, standing with a shit eating grin on his face. He smiled and there was an explosion that threw you out of the cage, and miraculously you didn't smash into the bars. You landed right next to Dean.

"Well that was fun," you commented with a laugh. You wiped the blood dripping from your nose and stood up. Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, Abbadon, Zachariah walked into the elevator. You stood with the other members of Team Free Will.

"Just remember with out us, you would be out of business," Lucifer warned just as the elevator door closed. You assumed he had healed himself. You looked back at your friends when there was a loud crashing sound. You looked over to see Balthazar had fallen into the score board. He stood up and swayed. He was wearing a pink, frilly dress and held a wine bottle in one hand.

"Am I late?" He slurred.

Wow... I've already messed up my resolution.
So yeah, I've been having a hard time motivating myself to write, but I should be over it now. It's probably just because I'm mourning the holiday season...

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