OneShot: The Baby is Coming (Lucifer x Reader)

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This is for Love_has_me_confused

"Hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Lucifer called from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Well sorry I'm trying to hide the giant bags under my eyes!" You hissed back through the door.

"Y/n, you look fine and no one is going to care that the baby kept you awake," Lucifer cooed through the door, obviously trying to get you to come out. You groaned and opened the door to find him leaning in the doorway.

"I look awful don't I?" You groaned. Lucifer just rolled his eyes and pulled you into a hug, something that was quite difficult at 36 and a half weeks.

"You look as beautiful as the day I met you," Lucifer whispered in your ear. You smiled slightly and looked up at him and into his icy blue eyes.

"I love you," you smiled. Lucifer kissed the top of your head.

"I love you too," he replied before kneeing down. "I love these little things too." he got to his feet and held a hand out to you. You took his hand and the air around you heated up and swirled. You found yourself in the park where you were to spend the day with Lucifer's brothers and sisters. You had planned it for the purpose of everyone being on good terms with Lucifer so no one came after you or your babies.

"Hey Luci!" Gabriel called out, noticing the two of you had appeared. He pushed his way through the crowd to greet you. Michael and Raphael were close behind him.

"Hello, brother," Lucifer greeted. Gabriel gave you a hug and looked down at your belly.

"You look like you're about to pop!" Gabriel exclaimed. You frowned at him.

"Are you saying I'm fat?!" You gasped, tears threatened to fall.

"No! You look great!" Gabriel quickly added. He looked at Lucifer with a panicked face that screamed help me.

"Careful, Gabriel. Pregnant women's emotions are very unstable," Michael spoke, walking up. Michael and Lucifer met eyes and everyone held their breath, hoping they didn't start throwing punches.

"Michael," Lucifer flatly spoke.

"Lucifer," Michael replied, just as flatly. You looked back an forth between your husband and his brother before noticing the table of food.

"I see cake," you announced, waddling over to the table. They tension quickly broke and Lucifer followed behind you.

-Time Skip-

"So how did you meet?" A angel asked, looking to you and Lucifer. You intertwined your fingers with Lucifer's, smiling at him.

"It's your turn to tell it," you cooed.

"But you tell it much better," Lucifer replied. "I also love listening to your voice."

"Get a room," Gabriel groaned. You let out a laugh.

"I do believe that's how this happened," Lucifer replied, putting his hand on your stomach.

"Fine, I'll tell it," you finally answered. "So it all started in a park back in 2009. I had just gotten dumped by my boyfriend so he could date this other girl and I was angry at the world-

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