Preference: How you spend Halloween together

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I added Charlie!
So that means I have to catch up!
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Karaoke Night Duet
Love is an Open Door from Frozen
Your Nickname
Her Nickname
Back to the preference at hand!

Dean: You cuddle up on the couch and watch horror movies together. That is if you aren't out on a hunt. Nothing scarier than a Winchester and his girl on Halloween knocking on your door, ready to gank you

Sam: You watch cute Halloween movies together on the couch.

Castiel: He doesn't understand Halloween all that much. The last time he visited earth Halloween was much different, so you have to explain everything to him. You usually dress up and go trick or treating with him, before getting back to to the bunker and eating candy. Cas on a sugar high is really entertaining to watch.

Charlie: You go to a comic book store in cosplay, and socialize, which is really rare. Then, you come back to your apartment, and watch Harry Potter weekend together, bathing in the nostalgia.

Gabriel: The two of you consume extreme amounts of candy. Unfortunately, you and Gabe go crazy from your sugar highs. You prank anyone, and just cause general chaos. Usually by the end of the night there is a long line of people who want you and your boyfriend dead.

Balthazar: You usually just drink wine with him and watch old timey horror movies, and dry to keep him away from any candy. Sugar + Thief = NOT good things.

Lucifer: You and Luci go around scaring the shit out of random people, your favorite time so far is when you and Luci dressed up as clowns and hid outside Sam Winchester's window. The resulting scream was priceless.

Crowley: You celebrate Halloween with him by throwing a Halloween bash in Hell. After all the demons return to their duties, you go watch Saw, hoping to gain some new torture ideas.

Kevin: You cuddle with him on the couch and eat candy, you watch little kid Halloween movies until the exhausted profit falls asleep on you.

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