OneShot: Fourth of July

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It's the Fourth of July my tacos! Can you taste the freedom?! I know I can! AND I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!! I feel the patriotism flowing through my veins and connecting me with the spirit of my bald eagle! What's that UK?! I can't hear you over the sound of your tea splashing into the water! Freedom mothfuckas! Fireworks everywhere! Barbecues in every back yard! *grabs your shirt* CAN YOU SMELL THE FREEDOM??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!

I'm very sorry to any non-American having to deal with the insanity of this day... It's just that our country is actually not all that it's cracked up to be. This is the one day where we get to flaunt our non existent awesomeness. So yeah, Happy Fourth of July my tacos...

"It's the Fourth of July, motherfuckers!" You yelled, skipping into the library wearing American flag shorts, American flag tang top, American flag converse, and American flag sunglasses.

"Really Y/n?" Dean groaned. You just smiled and moved towards him before throwing a handful of red, white, and blue star confetti on him. "Oh come on!" Sam at that point was laughing his ass off, while Cas sat with his head titled and looking very confused.

"What's the matter, Cassie?" You asked the angel while throwing a handful of confetti at the moose, getting it in his majestic hair.

"Why is the fourth day in July so important?" Cas asked. You just sighed and shook your head.

"You poor, uneducated angel," you sighed. "Today is the anniversary of the United States of America declaring it's independence from British rule. Americans all over the country celebrate by having barbecues and getting drunk and having pool parties and setting off fireworks."

"I've never seen fireworks?" Cas interrupted. Your mouth gaped open and you looked to the brothers who seemed almost as surprised. "You have to keep in mind that I've only been to Earth a few times prior to when I met you guys."

"Well, let's fix that," Sam answered, closing his laptop. "There's a big fireworks show going on a few miles away, we could go see that."

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," Dean added. The three men stood before you stopped them.

"Wait, we are not going anywhere today without sporting the proper clothing," you spoke firmly. Dean just rolled his eyes. You grabbed your bag and handed them clothes.

"But, I want to wear my trenchcoat," Cas pouted.

"It will look weird, and you'll get funny looks from people," Sam replied.

"But you can keep it on if you want," Dean cut in, glaring at Sam. They each went to change while you grabbed the cooler and threw a few beers in and grabbed a blanket. You met them by the impala. Dean was shorts with stars on them and a striped shirt. Sam had a white t-shirt with the flag on it, a red plaid shirt and jeans. Dean huffed and glared at you. You just smiled.

"I think you're wrong Dean, you do shorts quite well," you teased. Dean grumbled before looking back to the door.

"Come on, Cas!' Dean called out. The door opened and Cas shuffled out, wearing an American flag collared shirt, jeans, and blue converse. Of course he also had the trenchcoat on, on top. He looked really good, his hair was slightly messy, likely like from changing, but the messy hair made him that much better. Dean was certainly taking notice.

"You look different, Cas," you smiled. Cas just looked to the floor awkwardly. Dean wrapped an arm around him whispering something in his ear that made him smile. You shared a knowing glance with Sam. You got in the back seat with Cas, and you went to a clearing where other people had set up blankets. You got out of the impala and found a nice open spot on top of a hill. Everyone else was a good ways away, giving you plenty of space.

"This is a good spot," Dean commented, setting down the cooler. You and Sam laid the blanket down. Cas opened the cooler and handed you each a beer. You sat down on the blanket with the guys and drank your beers talking and telling bad jokes. To anyone watching it would just look like four people having a good time, they would have no idea that sitting right there were the Winchester brothers, vessels of Michael and Lucifer, an angel of the lord who rebelled for Dean and humanity, and you, a hunter of the supernatural and best friend to the previously mentioned hunters and angel.

"I replied 'of course we'll beat it, we're not the LOSECHESTERS," Sam laughed at his own joke. You facepalmed, Dean groaned and Cas just sighed. Then, you heard a boom go off. You quickly turned to se the first firework light up the sky. You quickly looked for Cas' reaction. His eyes were wide with wonder and his mouth gaped open, the corners of it turned up in a smile. You also noticed Dean staring longingly at Cas. Sam also noticed this and you shared another glance. You rolled your eyes and looked back to the beautiful display of colors. There were green ones and blue ones and gold ones and ones that sparkled. As the rapid fire began for the finale you looked to Dean and Cas to see the two of them kissing. You quickly grabbed your phone and took a picture of their silhouettes against the red, white, and blue fireworks in the background. You high fived Sam and watched the rest of the finale. You were defiantly going to send that picture to everyone just to prove that those two finally got together. When it was over you noticed Dean and Cas had broken apart. Dean's arm was around Cas' waist as they watched all the kids at the bottom of the hill running around with sparklers in their hands. When you finally packed up, Dean and Cas were in front of you, holding hands as Sam and you walked back to the impala.

"What did you do?" Sam whispered to you with a smile.

"Me? I didn't do anything," you replied slyly. Sam just scoffed.

"You and I both know that there is no way they'd cross that line without a nudge from an outside force," Sam continued.

"Maybe it's a Fourth of July miracle, Sammy," you smiled back. "A lot could happen when you're drunk and there is this much freedom and patriotism in the air," you replied, throwing more patriotic confetti at the moose.

I'll hopefully get an update out tomorrow if what's in my brain easily transfers to the screen... See you tacos next update!

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