OneShot: FUN!!!!

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Okie Dokie let's take a look at the comments and see what my tacos want...
So let's see what they want me to do to them-
Smile until it hurts
'Kay I can do that.
Now who do they want...
Sam, Dean, Cas, Gabe
Jared, Jensen, Misha, Richard
Oh this is going to be so much fun...
I wonder what ships they want
Destiel + Sabriel
Well it makes sense. I wonder if they want me to be in it?
Reader Insert + Author Insert
Looks like a tie! Well let's get this show on the road! *Cracks knuckles* Owwww that hurt... *Looks at clock* 11:48 pm... Perfect timing creativeness. *shrug* Hmm I wonder what foods originated in the US...

Pecan pie, tater tots, meatloaf, corn dogs, candy corn, s'mores, mac and cheese, doughnut holes, ranch dressing, and milkshakes. Those are U.S. foods...
*slams head into keyboard* I'm weak! I let the temptations of Google get to me. And then I shaved my legs! Ugh! I have to write this story!

You stood in line waiting for Jared and Jensen to get on stage. You didn't have to wait much longer as Rob's band played. J2 opened the curtains stepping onto the stage. You smiled and clapped with the crowd as the two Texans waved. Rich, Rob and the band had left the stage and everyone had stopped screaming. The panel went as usual and you slowly made you way closer to the stage as the questions were being asked. You sighed as you started to realize you were not going to get your questioned answered. Rich and Louden Swain came back onto the stage and everyone groaned.

"Hey guys. Guess it's that time," Rich spoke.

"The time for the last question?" Jensen asked. The last question song started and then everyone went wild as Misha stepped onto the stage.

"Hello everyone," Misha smiled.

"Misha, go get the last question person," Jared said. Misha nodded and walked across the stage and down the steps. The realization nearly made you pass out- you were next in line... Misha walked over to you.

"Hello," he smiled.

"H-hi," you replied. Misha gently took your hand and led you onto stage. You were internally screaming your head off. You were mere inches from J2M. You sat down in the chair Jensen had just been sitting in moment ago. Jared handed you his mic.

"What's your name?" Jensen asked. You hesitated for a minute before replying.

"Y-Y/n," you answered.

"You nervous?" Jared asked sweetly. You nodded and Jared hugged you. The crowd all made 'aw' sounds.

"So, what's your question?" Misha asked. You immediately looked to your phone and before you could read the question you had put there Misha pulled it from you. "Oh she wrote it down!" You let out a nervous laugh as Misha, Rich and Jared started taking selfies. Jensen was shaking his head like a disappointed parent. Then, you remembered the crowd of people watching you.

"Are you done?" Jensen asked, raising his eyebrow at the trio. Jared opened his mouth to answer when a white flash of light blinded you. When it went away you found yourself on the floor. Everything felt tingly and your head buzzed. You looked around to see the bunker, more specifically the war room.

"Oh my Chuck," you breathed. You heard groaning and you looked to see Jared, Jensen, Misha, and Richard on the floor near you.

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