Imagine: Runaway Winchester

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This is for Lookmommyitsafangirl
Imagine you are Sam and Dean's little sister and you get scared and run off.
You're only 5 years old.

You were sitting on the floor coloring in a coloring book. You were currently at Uncle Bobby's house to get help to find your dad. Your brothers, Sam and Dean, we're going through some books.

"What ya drawing, bug," Dean knelt down next to you.

"I'm coloring a puppy!" You happily replied. Dean smiled and messed up your hair. You squealed a bit. Dean laughed and stood up.

"Want something to eat, kiddo?" Bobby smiled. You nodded and held your arms out, wanting to be picked up. Bobby sighed and reluctantly picked you up. He grunted a bit. "You're getting to big for this."

"No, I'm not," you pouted. "I'm only five, Uncle Bobby!" Bobby laughed and carried you into the kitchen. He sat you on the counter.

"How about some candy?" Bobby asked.

"Do not give her candy, she'll be bouncing off the walls!" Sam called from the other room. Bobby sighed and looked back to you. You gave him your best puppy eyes. He rolled his eyes and handed you a chocolate bar.

"You and your puppy eyes," Bobby pinched your cheeks. You giggled and ate the chocolate bar. Then, you heard a dog barking.

"Puppy?" You cooed. Bobby set you on the ground before rushing into the room.

"Rumsfeld," Bobby spoke rushing to the window. You stood in the doorway to the kitchen.

"What is it?" Sam asked, getting to his feet.

"Something's wrong," Bobby replied. Your brothers turned to you with worried faces. A loud crash made you yelp. The door was busted down as Meg, the woman who had hurt you and your brothers a few months ago, walked in.

"No more crap okay?" She hissed. Dean moved towards her, but with a flick of her hand Dena was thrown across the room.

"Y/n! Run!" Sam yelled. The woman turned to you and her eyes turned black. You screamed and ran out the back door, dropping your chocolate. You ran into the the scrap yard, crying the entire time. You crawled into a car that had a tarp over it and curled into a ball.

Stop crying you could hear your father's last words to you in the back of your mind. You quickly heeded the words and sniffled, wiping away the tears. You were a Winchester, you were going to be brave... Like your brothers. Sitting in that totaled car you thought back to the first time you met your brothers. It wasn't that long ago.
When you were only two, your mom got sick. While you were visiting her at the hospital one time, a man showed up. Your mom told you to go with him and that he was your dad. You left with him that day. You reached a motel room and your dad carried you in. There were two other guys. Your dad set you on one of the beds.

"Y/n, these are your brothers," your dad had told you. The one with bright green eyes knelt down to your level.

"Hi," you waved excitedly at him. He smiled warmly.

"I'm Dean," he cooed. He pointed to the other guy. "That's Sammy." Sam was very unhappy.

"So you do knock girls up when you go on hunts," he hissed at your dad. You frowned and looked back and forth between them. You looked to Sam and held your arms out.

"Sammy!" You called out for him. His head swiveled to look at you.

"Look at that," Dean laughed. "She seems to be taking a liking to you." Sam sighed and walked over to you, picking you up. You buried your face into his chest.

"I love you," you cooed. Something about Sam's scent put you to sleep. When you woke up, Sam was gone. Later when you turned 8 you would learn that he had gotten into an argument with your dad over bringing a toddler into the hunting life instead of putting you up for adoption. He left that night for Stanford.
"Y/n!" You were awoken by someone calling your name.

"Y/n!" It sounded like your brothers. You could hear footsteps. "She could be anywhere in all theses cars, Sam."

"Bobby's got Meg under control, we have time," you heard Sammy reply.

"Sammy?" You quiet called out. You were still scared. The footsteps stopped.

"Did you hear that?" Sam asked. You heard a shush. You unfurled yourself from a ball, making something in the car fall off and hit the metal floor. It made a thump sound.

"Over there," Dean spoke. The tarp was pulled off the car and there were your brothers. You practically leapt into your brothers arms.

"Sammy, I was so scared," you sobbed into his shoulder. He held you close and rubbed circles on your back.

"It's okay, we're okay," Sam replied. "You did the smart thing. You ran and hid, just like how we taught you."

"And I only cried a little," you added. "Dad said not to cry... He said it makes the monsters come and get you."

"Oh, bug," Dean sighed.


I hope you liked this Lookmommyitsafangirl

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