OneShot: I'll Make a Demon out of You

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So I was watching Mulan and I got the idea for this one shot.

You gritted you teeth as Cas burned the sigil into your side. You pulled your shirt down and stood up, you felt the power flowing through your veins.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Y/n?" Cas asked.

"I have to, it's the only way to protect Sam and Dean," you replied solemnly. You had heard whispers that Hell was training an elite force to take out all hunters. You hadn't hunted in almost two years, let alone seen your brothers in three, but you weren't about to let them die. You couldn't go through that again... You had hatched a plan to join and take it out from the inside. After doing some digging you found a sigil that would give you the powers of a demon, the men of letters had designed it to be able to fight fire with fire. Using your powers you altered your looks, changing your hair and changing your eye color. You gave Cas a quick hug before snapping your fingers. You appeared in a large room in Hell, there were other demons standing all around you. A few more demons appeared before Lucifer himself appeared. Everyone snapped to attention in the presence of their creator.

"You all here to become a part of an group designed to take out the hunters of Earth, leaving it defenseless," he announced. Everyone whispered to each other, but you just made sure not to draw too much attention.

-Time Skip-
(A/N: I'm a lazy writer *le shrug)

You had luckily been selected to be a part of it. Apparently your 'meat suit' was in peak condition and you were accepted to the team. You stood awaiting further instructions, in an poorly lit room. A demon standing nearby you turned to look at you. You met eyes with him and he gave you a dirty look.

"Is there a problem?" You sassed. He glared at you.

"No," he hissed back. "Bitch."

"Okay," you growled, you began to square off with him. He lunged at you first, but you flashed behind him, kicking his legs out from under him. He turned to look up at you, flashing his black eyes at you. In return you flashed your red ones at him. He stood up threw a punch at you, you caught it and smiled as you twisted his arm, sending him to the ground.

"Enough!" Lucifer yelled, now in the room, standing next to Crowley. He glared at the two of you. "What's your name, filth?" You hesitated. You had not thought about a name and you surely couldn't say your actual name. "I'm waiting."

"Piper, my name is Piper," you replied quickly.

"Well, Piper, you will be going first in our first training exercise," Lucifer growled at you. You tried not to cower in fear, when he grabbed your arm dragging you to the front of the room. "An important thing you must be able to do is not give in to torture." Lucifer snapped his fingers and you were strapped to a chair. And so began the first exercise...

After almost four days, your turn was over. The other demons applauded your ability to not give in and make Lucifer get tired of trying to torture you. You stood off to the side, trying not to throw up. If you didn't have the sigil you would be dead.

After every demon had their turn and the weak ones were sent away, only 20 demons were left. Then, you were trained in agility, speed without teleporting and strength. Needless to say you barely made it. Then, to top it all off you now had to find a way to torture a hunter you used to know.

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