OneShot: The Illusion of Strength

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2 years on Earth are equal to 240 years in hell...
That is 2,880 months of torture
86,400 days of slicing
2,073,600 hours of ripping
124,416,000 minutes of burning
7,464,960,000 seconds of pain

You were breathing heavily as the demon paced away from you. You took in big gulps of air trying to get enough air to your lungs after losing all of it while screaming. You squeezed you eyes shut and thought of your brothers. You knew that they were somewhere down in hell with you. You thought back to that night...

"Hey, did you hear that?" you asked. Dean nodded and you reached for the gun on your belt. But before you could react the motel door was burst down. Loud growling filled the room as invisible claws dug into your leg, pulling you off the bed. You turned to see Dean slashing wildly at the air, with Ruby's knife.

"Hell hounds!" Sam yelled, you heard a shot ring out, likely from one of your brothers weapons. Unfortunately it couldn't have been a salt round for they were in the trunk. You kicked furiously trying to get the creature off of you. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Sam being ripped apart, and not too far away was Dean, still fighting the hell hound that had descended upon him. You turned, trying to grab at anything to pull yourself away. You felt a terrible pain rip across your back. You let out a scream and turned back to face the hound. You could feel the heat of its breath as it let go of your leg, jumping on you, crushing ribs. Then, everything started going dark as warm liquid ran down your throat. You could tell that it had ripped your throat out and with you last bit o strength you looked to your brothers. Sam was already shreds and Dean was still kicking. Everything went dark...

You heard a loud crash and looked up. The door was blown off its hinges. The demon grabbed a blade and turned to face the intruder. You struggled against the chains. There was a bright flash of light and the demon dropped to the floor, dead. Two swirling balls of light glided towards you. You felt the chains unravel and you fell. One of the figures caught you. You felt a slight burning pain on your shoulder.

"Y/n," the figure said, you recognized the tone immediately. You opened your mouth to speak, but found yourself unable to get words out. You found comfort in the warmth of Samandriel's grace, and leaned into what was probably his chest. The warmth of the angel was different from the heat of the pit. It was a soft warmth like hug. You closed your eyes as you felt your entire body go limp.

Not too long after, you woke up. You looked around to see you were still in hell. You guessed that you had been put in the deepest parts of hell, probably a long trek out. You shut your eyes again, this time falling asleep instead of passing out.

When you opened your eyes you were met by wood mere inches from your face. You cursed silently, your throat dry. After 10 minutes of work, you had gotten fairly good at crawling out graves, you pulled yourself out. You flopped onto the ground, taking in big gulps of air. Your eyes found several pairs of shoes standing in front of you. You panned your eyes up to see Samandriel with other suit cladded angels. He offered his hand and you took it, pulling yourself to your feet. You heard another gasp of air being taken in. You turned to find the source. You spotted Dean crawling out of his own grave. You stumbled over to him, still slightly weak. You grabbed his arms, pulling his legs from the dirt. He smiled up at you, hugging you tightly, then you shared the exact thought.

Sam- You turned to see Sam just pulling his legs out of the ground. You rushed over to him, hugging him tightly. For the first time in many many years, you put down that illusion of Winchester strength. You started crying. Not beautiful crying, I mean sobbing, half hyperventilating, crying. It wasn't just you either... Sam and Dean too were clinging to you and each other. They too were sobbing. Thankfully the angels left you uninterrupted. As your crying slowed, you gently pulled away from your brothers, tears staining your cheeks. As you took in your surroundings more you noticed that little bouquets of flowers had been placed at your graves. You noticed that on your grave were wilting.

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