Imagine: I love Luci- Part 2

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Part 2 to my previous imagine 'I love Luci'

It had been two years since you ran away from your brothers with Lucifer. In that time you had gotten married. It was a very small wedding. Gabriel walked you down the isle, Raphael had married you and Michael was Luci's best man. Your bridesmaids were some of the female demons that you had become friendly with, but that was about a year ago.
You were now sitting in one of the bathrooms Lucifer had put in his palace for you. You had missed your period and you were getting worried so you went up and bought a pregnancy test. You looked down at the two pink lines in shock. You were pregnant with Lucifer's child. You walked out of the bathroom and sat on the end of the bed. You called for a demon to go get Lucifer. Shortly after Lucifer flashed into the room. The instant he looked at you he saw the little soul glowing bright inside your belly.
"Y/n..." Lucifer said his face went pale, realizing what he had created.
"Lucifer, what have we done?" you said putting your head in your hands. You and Lucifer had created a nephilim, making the child target number one on every angel's list. 
"We'll fix this. We'll protect the baby. We're going to make this okay" Lucifer said hugging you, as you wept for the child growing inside of you.

-8 months later-
"Push your highness!" the demon doctor yelled at you. You squeezed Lucifer's hand and pushed as hard as you could.
"You've got this, your almost there. Now push!" Lucifer said to your wiping the sweat from your forehead. You pushed. Then, you heard a noise that made all the pain worth it. You heard the cry of your little girl, Michelle Deanna  Winchester. Named after your's and Luci's favorite siblings. Since Lucifer didn't have a last name, she would be a Winchester. The doctor wiped her off and put her on your chest. You looked at your beautiful little girl.
"She's gorgeous" you said looking to Lucifer. You hadn't seen him this happy, since your wedding day. He lightly ran his hand over your little girl's head. The Doctor handed Lucifer the scissors and he cut the umbilical cord. Then, you heard a knock on the door to the makeshift hospital room. You and Lucifer shared a glance of pure terror. You both knew who that was at the door.
Lucifer quickly healed you, and poofed clothes onto you. He handed you the bag of baby things. He frantically wrapped your child up in her blanket and kissed her head for what could very much be the last time. He gently put her n your arms. You both shared a kiss just as the door to the room was blasted off its hinges.
"I love you" Lucifer whispered to you before facing the people at the door. There stood multiple angels in full armor. Your child began to cry as you grabbed the arm of your bodyguard demon. You were flashed out of hell just as the angels rushed into the room. You stood just outside the bunker.
"Go" you said to the demon, he opened his mouth to protest, but you sent him a glare. He left and you walked to the door of the bunker. You held your child close to your chest before knocking on the door to the bunker. The door opened with a creak.
"Y/n" Dean said looking at you then, the baby.
"Dean, I need help" you said, just as tears began to fall from your eyes.

    "So let me get this straight, after being gone for nearly three years, you just show up on our door step, expecting us to help you?" Dean said bitterly. Sam hit him in the arm. Sam looked at the little girl in your arms.
    "What's her name?" Sam asked tenderly.
    "Michelle Deanna Winchester" you said stroking your daughter's tiny little face. Dean face softened when you said her middle name. Michelle let out a little yawn and opened her little eyes. They were the same shade as Lucifer's vessel's eyes. Then, they glowed a dull grey, showing that she truly wasn't human. Dean and Sam gasped. "I'll explain, she's my daughter and Lucifer's, making her a nephilim. Other angels see her as an abomination making her the number one target on the list of every angel." you explained.
    "That's why you are here" Dean said.
    "Yeah, just after she was born angels invaded our palace. My bodyguard got me away, Lucifer stayed behind to give me time to run." you said.
    "Y/n..." Sam began, before you cut him off.
    "I'm going to go set up my room" you said grabbing the bag of things and heading down the hall. You opened the door to see, everything was out of place. They had gone through your room, looking for things to find you. You closed the door behind you and unloaded the bag. You grabbed a box and put blankets in it, to create a makeshift crib, until you got a real one. You laid on your bed and held your daughter close, falling asleep.

    "Y/n! Wake up please!" you heard a familiar voice say. Your eyes shot open. You were back in the hospital bed. Lucifer was shaking your arm.
    "What happened?" you said putting a hand to your head.
    "Oh, Y/n..." Lucifer said pulling you into a tight hug. "You lost so much blood, you were almost gone. I- I made deal with death..." you felt the color drain from your face. No, he wouldn't. you thought But he doesn't have a soul... no.
    "Michelle" you said looking at Lucifer. He moved, allowing you to see the little crib next to the bed. There was your daughter safe and sound. You let out a sigh of relief. "What was the deal?" you asked confused, now.
    "Death said he wouldn't take you, if I let him make Michelle human. He said, to have a nephilim in the world was too dangerous and would upset the balance." Lucifer explained.
    "I want to hold her" you said looking at your little girl. Lucifer picked her up carefully and laid her on your chest. "Lucifer, I had this strange dream... some of your brothers came to kill her... I took her and ran... but you stayed behind, Oh Luci" you said grabbing him and pulling him into a hug. You let go and looked down at your little girls beautiful, blue, non-glowing eyes. "Hi there sweetheart, wanna go meet your uncles?"
So I really wanted to make a part 2 to 'I love Luci' Hope you liked it!

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