Imagine: I love Luci- Part 3

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It had been two weeks since you had given birth to little Michelle Deanna Winchester. You held her closely singing to her softly...

Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better

Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better

And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah

Her eyes fluttered closed, and you gently placed her in her crib. You quietly walked out her room, leaving the door cracked open behind you. You sat down next to Lucifer, who was sitting on the couch reading a book. You leaned your head on his shoulder. He put his book down and began braiding your hair.

"I will never understand how you get her to go to sleep so easily" he said.

"You have to sing to her, she likes Hey Jude" you said. "My mom would sing it to me when I was little, before she-" you trailed off.

"Did you call your brothers yet?" Lucifer said changing the subject, grabbing the hairband from your hand, and wrapping it around the end of the braid.

"Not yet, I'm not so sure they'd even want to talk to me" you said, tears threatening to spill. You wiped your eyes, "Damn hormones" you said.

"You can't stay away from them forever, and they won't hate you forever" Lucifer said, hugging you with his chin resting on the top of your head.

"You're right, I'll call them tomorrow..." you said. You kissed his cheek and headed off to bed. The advantages of having an angel for a husband was that he didn't sleep, so durning the night the baby was his responsibility, allowing you to get some sleep.

-Time Skip-

You sat on your throne, holding your phone to your ear. Ring- Ring-Ring-

"Hello?" you heard Dean say. You took a deep breath.

"Hello Dean" you said.

"Y/n?!" he said, disbelief apparent in his voice.

"Is Sam there?" you asked.

"Yeah, I'll put him on speaker" Dean said, you heard a click.

"Hiya, Sammy" you said.

"Y/n? Are you okay it's been three years! We thought you were dead!" Sam said.

"I'm fine, not dead. I wanted to know if you were available tomorrow, I want to catch up" you said.

"Three years and you think we'll just come running to you?" Dean asked angrily.

"Dude!" you heard Sam say. "Yeah, Y/n we are free, um where do you wanna meet?" he asked.

"I'll arrange one of my lieutenants to come get you, I'll have the dining room set up." you said, a demon standing by your thrones nodded at you and walked off.

"You have demons under your control?" Dean said.

"Yeah, they have to listen to me, mostly because their terrified of me" you laughed. "I'll see you then, and please don't kill my lieutenant, I hand picked them" you said.

"No promises" Dean said.

"Asshat" you said, playfully.

"Bitch" Dean replied.

"Jerk" Sam added.

-Another Time Skip!-

You sat on your throne, next to Lucifer. You signed off on a contract, before you heard a faint 'pop'. You looked up to see your brothers standing with your lieutenant, Helen, you nodded at her, and she disappeared.

"Y/n" Dean said, looking at you. You rose from your throne elegantly, and strode over to him hugging him tightly.

"I missed you Dean" you said, into his shoulder.

"Hey! What am I chopped liver?" Sam said, playfully annoyed. You hugged him tightly, and he lifted you off the ground a bit.

"Missed you too Sammy" you said. You took a step back. "I'm glad that you came, I've been wanting to fix our relationship for a while."

"Hey, don't you take all the credit" Lucifer said, popping up behind you, and wrapping his arm around your waist, before placing a kiss on your cheek. Sam tensed up, and Dean glared at Lucifer.

"So did you guys tie the knot?" Sam said, his jaw clenched.

"Yeah, it's our 3rd anniversary next month" you said, interlacing you hand with Luci's. You stared into Lucifer's gorgeous blue eyes. Dean coughed and you looked back to him,

"I was told there would be food" Dean said.

"Oh yeah, Lucifer, could you take them to the dining room? I'll be right back" you said, walking off to Michelle's room. You gently took her out of her crib, for she had been taking a nap. You wrapped her up in a blanket, the dinning room was cold. You walked into the dining room.

"I'd like you guys to meet your niece" you said. Sam stood up from the table, and walked up to you. Michelle looked up at him. "Say hi, to Uncle Sammy" you said. You looked at Dean, who was having a stare off with Lucifer.

"Hey! You have your own angel!" you said, to him.

"That's not it... you got my little sister pregnant" Dean hissed at Lucifer.

"Hey asshat, I'm only younger by six minutes" you said.

"What's her name?" Sam said, trying to relieve the tension in the room.

"Michelle Deanna Winchester" Lucifer answered for you. Dean looked at you, then the baby.

"Her middle name is Deanna?" he said, obviously touched.

"Yeah, we named her after the sibling we were closest to" you said, stroking Michelle's little cheek. Dean, slowly made his way over to you.

"Can- can I hold her?" he stuttered. You nodded, and gently set her in his arms. She looked up at him with big eyes. "Hey Shelly, I'm Uncle Dean" he cooed. She smiled, and Dean smiled in return.

"She likes you" you smiled.

"Yeah, I guess she does" Dean said, looking up at you.


So that is probably the last part to my 'I love Luci' imagines. Unless you guys request more...

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