Imagine: Damsel in Distress (Charlie x Reader)

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Requested by Whovian4U

Hunter!Reader is taken by a Wendigo on a camping trip and Charlie has to save her.

You sat next to Charlie on a fallen tree. You watched as the fire embers floated up into the sky.

"This is nice, don't you think?" Charlie asked, leaning her head on your shoulder.

"Yeah," you hummed, wrapping an arm around her. You kissed the top of her head. "Why don't you go to bed, and I'll put out the fire."

"Okay, Y/n," you could hear sleep creeping into her voice. She stood up and went into your tent. You smiled and hummed softly to yourself as you asked down the path a bit to the stream. You filled the bucket up and started back towards your little camp. You heard a rustle in the woods, but brushed it off as an animal. You poured the water on the fire. As the fire sizzled and steam rose into the night sky you heard another rustle of leaves. It was only maybe ten feet away. You grabbed the flashlight and pointed it in the direction of the noise. Just on the edge of the light, for only a single moment you saw a tall, pale creature with elongated limbs. Before you could even reach for your pistol at your belt it rushed you. You let out a scream as it came at you. You stumbled back and it's nails dug into your ankle as it dragged you away. Charlie rushed out of the tent.

"Charlie!" You yelled, grabbing onto the ground, anything to prevent it from dragging you away. Your head slammed into a rock, knocking you out. The last thing you heard was Charlie calling your name.
You woke up to find yourself hanging by your wrists in what looked like to be an abandoned mine. You could feel warm liquid dripping down the back of your neck, you knew instantly it was blood- your blood. You looked around to see the bones of other victims. You silently cursed yourself for not making sure there were no disappearances in the woods. All you and Charlie had wanted was a nice calm camping trip, now you had been taken by a wendigo and miss inexperienced hunter would have to rescue you. You had grown up hunting, but Charlie had been only a handful of hunts. You knew she had the knowledge to kill the wendigo, but she definitely did not had the experience or skill. Charlie was going to get herself killed and then you would surely be eaten by the thing. You didn't want to die, you were getting so close to a happy ending. A tear slipped down your cheek and a sob escaped your lips. You immediately regretted you moment of weakness for the creature moved into the room. It came up right to you, you turned your head, squeezing your eyes shut. You could feel its hot breath on your neck. It made a huffing sound and you heard it stalk out and down one of the tunnels. You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding. You closed your eyes and tried to pretend that you weren't in an abandoned mine, about to die.

You adjusted your clothes before stepping into the queen's tent.

"You asked for me, my queen?" You got down on a knee, bowing before the queen of moons. You had run from the hunting life and joined a LARP. You quickly went up the ranks, where you became the only female knight in the queens guard. Your character, Osanna, was also secretly an eleven princess. She was from the family that ruled the elf kingdom before they were overthrown. No one knew your character's secret except your squire.

"Rise, Osanna the Fierce," Your queen commanded. You got to your feet. You loved LARPing so much. "I have summoned you to make inquiries of the time before your joining of my guard."

"I will answer your questions truthfully and to the best of my abilities, for my life is sworn to you and the crown of moons," you answered. She gestured to a chair.

"Sit, brave knight," She commanded. Being in close proximity to the queen, you thought for a moment that your recognized her. Then, just as she opened her mouth to speak again.

"Charlie?" You breathed. She went pale.

"How do you know me?" She gasped.

"We met once, through the Winchesters," you replied.

"Y-Y/n?" she looked to you closer. You nodded. She smirked at you. "It's nice to see you again."

"You too, Charlie," you smiled. "You wanna get back to the game?" She nodded and you both snapped back to your roles.

"Osanna, are you or are you not the former princess of the eleven kingdom?" She questioned.

"Yes, my queen, I am," you sighed. "I ran away when the throne was taken from my family. I joined your ranks so I may seek vengeance for my family."

"So your loyalties, lie with only me?" She questioned.

"Yes, my oath still stands," you answered. "I would give my life for yours, my queen, any day." The queen stood.

"Osanna, I fear that the stress of ruling a kingdom is too great for only me. I've been searching for someone to rule. There are some princes, but they do not meet my needs," The queen paced in front of you.

"What are you saying, your majesty?" You questioned.

"I would like you to become my queen," she looked back to you. Your eyes widened. "I have had my sights on you for a while and now I can pursue you, now knowing your royal status."

"I would be a fool to decline. I accept your proposal," you smiled.

"Good, we will be wed in two hours," she smiled.
The wedding between the queen and Osanna was almost complete when the shadow orcs appeared, taking you. You were sitting in a tent when the doorway had the curtain pushed away. The queen stepped through the doorway, wearing armor and brandishing her foam sword, and still wearing her gown for the wedding.

"You shouldn't have come," you got up from the chair you were sitting in. You hugged her tightly.

"We never got to finish our vows, my soon to be queen," she smiled. You returned to your kingdom with the queen having saved her damsel in distress. The wedding was complete and together you helped lead your army to win the final battle. When the LARP was over you and Charlie started dating IRL.
You realized you had drifted off and woke up with a gasp. You felt pain in your stomach and looked down to see your abdomen bleeding heavily. You assumed you were attacked while you were asleep and the blood loss kept you out. You started to cry again, wishing to see Charlie just one more time.

"Y/n?" You heard Charlie called out. You pulled against the ropes suspending you from the ceiling.

"Charlie! I'm in here!" You yelled back. You heard boots against wooden boards. You saw the light of a flashlight then red hair. Charlie stood, holding a molotov. She gasped as she saw you.

"Y/n, oh my God. You're bleeding," Charlie rushed to you and cut the ropes. She set you on the ground.

"You shouldn't have come," you grunted, holding your stomach.

"Couldn't just leave my damsel in distress," she smiled back at you. You heard a growl and you looked to the tunnel to see the wendigo. Charlie, without hesitation, turned and molotoved the wendigo. It let out a howl of pain and turned to ashes.

"Well damn," you let out a pained laugh. Charlie helped you to your feet and you hobbled out of the mine. Once you were patched up you packed up you camp. You got in the car and kissed Charlie. You set your forehead against hers, just staring into her eyes. "For the first time in a long time, I was so scared, Charlie. I hate being a damsel in distress."

"Don't worry, I'll always be there to save you, Y/n," Charlie smiled softly.


I hope you liked it Whovian4U !
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