Imagine: Going into Labor Part 2

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"Cas! Dean! Sam!" You yelled, well as much as you could yell. You had screamed until you were hoarse. You had been in Hell 70 no- 100 years. You had hoped that Alastair would have gotten bored with you after the first year, but he always made time for you. However just one day he was all booked, and you got a day off- ish...

"So who's in here?" Someone asked.

"I don't know sir, but Alastair really seems to like them. He'll put us behind for months just to spend time torturing them..." Another replied.

"Well let's take a look," the first person added. The temperature of the room shifted to be slightly cooler and you started to realize who it was, but not before they recognized you.

"Oh my father," Lucifer gasped. You felt the hooks and chains disappear, and you fell to the ground. Lucifer scooped you up.

"Sir, is that?" The demon started before Lucifer interrupted him.

"Y/n? Can you hear me?" He asked you. Everything hurt and you shifted your head to a slight nod. "I'm getting you out of-" Then, everything went black as you passed out. You welcomed the rest and when you opened your eyes you looked to see wood. You tried to yell, but nothing came out.

If they didn't give me a proper funeral then... You moved around, hoping they remembered- yes. You grabbed the lighter from you pocket and lit it. You made a quick assessment of the size of the coffin before closing the lid, putting you back in complete darkness. You immediately went to work, remembering the training your father had put you through. You started kicking the top of the coffin with all your strength until you heard a crack and dirt flowed in. You used your feet to moved as much dirt as possible to the bottom. You got your arms through the hole before taking a deep breath and standing up. Your hands broke the surface of the ground. Dirt moved into your nose, preventing you you from taking a breath. You panicked slightly and moved a bit quicker until your head reached the surface. You took a deep breath filling your lungs with oxygen. You looked around, recognizing the area to be maybe  miles from the bunker. You pulled your legs out of the ground and brushed yourself off. You ran your fingers through your hair, most of the dirt falling out. You looked to see a little wooden cross with your initials carved into it.

I'm out... Cas- and my sweet baby boy- Oh my God I never got to name him! You thought to yourself as you started walking. You eventually found a gas station. It looked abandoned so you broke in... You smashed the windows on the door and reached in, grabbing the handle to unlock it. As you pulled your hand out the cut glass made a decent cut on your wrist and blood started to run down you hand. You kept it elevated and went to little fridge. It probably hadn't been on in a while, but you grabbed a water anyway. You gulped in down in seconds.

"There we go," you said aloud, your voice finally back. You figured the phone wouldn't work so you cleaned yourself off a bit and went to the back where there was a conveniently placed car. It looked in decent condition and would likely get you close enough to the bunker where your could walk if you had to. You pulled the panel underneath the dash off and hard wired it, getting it started. You climbed in and drove...

Cas sat with Dean and Sam, watching little Christopher play with his toys on the blanket. It was a pretty nice day and they probably would be enjoying it if they weren't still grieving. Dean's drinking problem had increased, Sam became secluded and Cas had just gone numb, he hardly smiled. The only time any of them smiled was when Christopher did something cute. It pained them though... The child had Y/n's eyes and looking into his eyes was like seeing her again. Christopher stopped playing with his toys to look up at a figure, smiling.

"Unc' Luci!" The child exclaimed, reaching his small arms up at the archangel.

"Hey kiddo," Lucifer replied, kneeling down to hug the small child.

"What are you doing here?" Cas asked. He was cautious as he was still unsure about his brothers' and sisters' involvement in his kids life.

"I found her," he replied.

"What?" Dean asked.

"She was in Hell," the archangel added.

"Sam take Christopher inside," Cas ordered. Sam nodded and picked up the child, carrying the boy inside.

"How did she end up in Hell?" Dean growled.

"I had nothing to do with it, I can only make recommendations, but the reapers have the final decision," Lucifer replied, quickly explaining himself.

"Reapers never take care of us, it's always Death," Dean added.

"Then, it's his doing," Lucifer concluded.

"Where is she now?" Cas asked, yearning to see his love.

"Right here," you interrupted. Your brother and the two angels looked at you.

"Y/n," Cas breathed.

"Hey Cassie, long time no see," you smiled, walking towards him before you started to sprint towards each other like a scene out of a movie. You jumped and Cas caught you as you spun around. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him. You never wanted to let go.

"I love you," Cas said, hugging you tightly.

"I love you too," you replied. Cas put you down and Dean hugged you tightly.

"God, it's so good to see you Sis," Dean mumbled into your shoulder.

"The feeling's mutual," you replied. You turned to the archangel who was standing awkwardly to the side. "Oh and Lucifer, thanks for getting me out."

"No problem," he replied, "if you excuse me I have to go deal with Alastair." He added before flashing out.

"Alastair?" Dean asked. You nodded solemnly, before Cas grabbed your hand.

"What did you name him?" You asked.

"Christopher Robert Winchester," Cas replies with a smile.

"So anyone who says his name will say Christo," you added. You smiled at the middle name thinking of Bobby.

"I think it's time you met him..." Cas smiled.

"Oh so I put him down for his nap-" Sam said, looking up from his book to see you. "Y/n."

"Hey Sammy," you smiled. You walked down the stairs to hug your brother.

"Where is he?" You asked, pulling away from the embrace.

"In our room," Cas answered, taking your hand an leading you down the hall. He led you to your room and there was a crib.

You looked in to see your precious little boy. Almost as if he sensed you he opened his eyes and looked up at you with his y/e/c eyes. His hair was the same dark brown as Cas.

"Mum," the child squealed. You smiled and picked him up.

"He's perfect," you smiled, looking to Cas. He wrapped an arm around you and kissed your cheek.

"I'm so happy your home," he whispered into your ear. The child yawned and you placed him back in the crib. You left the room with Cas.

"How- how long was I gone?" You asked.

"10 months, you were in Hell roughly a century," Cas answered. You flinched at the mention of that place. You clung to Cas's arm.

"Cas it was awful," you mumbled.

"You're okay now," Cas replied, hugging you tightly. Tears threatened to spill. "I swear I won't let anything happen to you or Christopher. I swear."

"I love you, Castiel."

"I love you too, Y/n."

I have some exciting news!
I'm starting a multi-fandom oneshot book! It'll have Doctor Who, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Hetalia, YouTube, Marvel and DC. The first chapter should be up some time this week.

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