Chatroom #6

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Castiel is online
Y/n (Moderator) is online
Dean is online
Sam is online
Charlie is online
Lucifer is online
Gabriel is online
Michael is online
Crowley is online

Y/n: What's up Cas?
Dean: Yeah, you usually aren't the one to start the chatroom.

Meg is online

Y/n: Oh crap...
Castiel: As you can clearly see I have found Meg and she told me how she ended up there...
Castiel: Why did you take her away from me?
Meg: Yeah, why did you take me away from my unicorn?
Charlie: I just want you to know I had nothing to do with it.

Charlie has been kicked from the chatroom

Y/n: Well...
Dean: We missed you! You were spending too much time with her!
Castiel: Why is that so wrong?
Sam: She's a demon! D-E-M-O-N
Lucifer: You're one to talk Sam...

Lucifer has been kicked from the chatroom

Michael: Castiel, are you using protection?
Castiel: Well I had my angel blade?
Meg: That's not what he meant Clarence...
Crowley: You are a bunch of bloody idiots.

Crowley is offline

Castiel: I'm still very confused.
Gabriel: As your big brother I will fulfill the duty of telling you about the birds and bees!
Castiel: ?
Gabriel: Just get your feathery butt over here!

Castiel is offline
Gabriel is offline

Y/n: Well there goes Cas's innocence.
Dean: We're going to need a lot of hamburgers...
Sam: Yeah, nice going Michael!
Michael: I am merely concerned that the intercourse of Castiel, an angel and Meg, a demon could create a terrifying weapon of mass destruction for angels and demons alike.
Y/n: Just get out.
Michael: Fine.

Michael is offline

Meg: I'm just gonna-

Meg is offiline

Y/n: Well we should go get the burgers.
Sam: Dean take Mc Donald's, Y/n go to Burger King and I'll get White Castle
Dean: Okay... Break!

Dean is offline
Sam is offline
Y/n is offline
Chatroom closed


Two updates in one day?! Wow I'm on a roll!

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