Imagine: Winchesters walk into a hunter's bar

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When the door to the bar dinged, the hunters immediately turned to see who walked in. They were not expecting the best hunters in the business to walk in the door. You and your brothers strolled in and took three seats at the counter. The entire place was quiet, just watching you and your brothers.

"What is everyone so freaked out about?" a hunter whispered, but everyone heard it.

"They're the fucking Winchesters," another hunter replied. You just shook your head, you really didn't like the attention, and the only reason you and your brothers even came in was because you wanted a cheap beer.

"Why are they put on such a high pedestal, when their father did all the work," the hunter commented again. The entire room went even more silent than it was. You and your brothers threw looks that could kill.

"Excuse me?" you said, turning around. The hunter smirked.

"I said that you're dad did all the work, I bet you still cry when you have to kill a simple vamp," he said, looking you right in the eye. Your brothers moved to stand up, but you put your arm out, blocking them. You stood up and stalked over to the hunter's table, the others he was with cleared. You grabbed the hunter's coat.

"Listen asshole, you think my dad did all the work huh?" you hissed the hunter tried to pull away from your grasp, but your grip was steel.

"Get off of me," he said.

"Tell me, have you been to hell?" you asked. He shook his head. "You know when a hunter dies they always go there, the demons make sure of it, and it is not fun down there. Especially the second time around," you growled. His eyes widened in fear.

"Someone get the bitch off of me," the hunter cried, no one made a move.

"How about possession, I'm not talking about demon possession, I'm talking angel, you see Sam he's had the devil wear him to prom, or Dean, where he WAS a demon, his soul twisted by the mark, and then there's me, the girl who sold her soul twice, had her soul stitched back together, but still gets out of bed to fight the good fight. So tell me did my father do all the work?" you said in a terrifying tone. The hunter swung out, punching you in the nose. Everyone in the room gasped. You backed up and wiped the blood away, that was running down your nose. You turned back to the now free hunter. He looked at you in fear, but before you could even act your brothers grabbed your arms, holding you back. You fought back wildly as your brothers dragged you out of the bar.

"Y/n, calm down," Dean said, holding your arm tightly. You huffed and stopped fighting them, they cautiously let go of your arms.

"I'm good, I just need a beer," you said. Your brothers were on either side of you as you walked back into the bar, you took a sip of your beer and glared at the hunter. He mouthed 'bitch' and you jumped up from your seat and you had the guy on the ground before your brothers even knew you had gotten up. You jumped on top of him and started to beat his face in. He kicked you off and stood up. You jumped up, adrenaline pumping through you.

"Side-effect of have your soul put back together twice is anger issues," you hissed. As your brothers moved in to break up the fight, you sent them a glare only you were capable of. They backed off and watched the fight.

"Come on, Bitch, hit me, you got me off guard once, but I'll mop the floor with you," the hunter taunted. "Then, maybe we'll have a little fun when you can't fight back," he smirked. With that statement, Dean came out of nowhere, delivering a right hook, knocking the guy out. Dean huffed and stalked out the door, you following behind, Sam made apologies before quickly following after you. 


Quickie for you guys. Also I would really like this to happen in the show, we haven't seen the boys interact with other hunters besides Garth in a really long time.

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