Oneshot: Castiel x Heather x Gabriel

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So this is another request by @DreamyKawaii

    "Hello Heather" Cas said, appearing behind you, making you jump.

    "You have got to stop doing that" you say, holding your hand over your heart, catching your breath. You close the book you were reading and look at Cas, he was standing awkwardly and you detected a hint of nervousness.

    "Cas, are you okay?" you ask, sweetly.

    "Yeah, um actually, I've been meaning to ask you something" he says, rubbing the back of his neck. "When ever I'm around you I get this fluttery feeling in my stom-" he begins, before being interrupted by a certain trickster.

    "Hiya Heather" Gabriel says, a lollipop in his mouth.

    "Gabriel..." Cas growls.

    "Sorry, was I interrupting something here? No? Okay, so Heather you busy tomorrow?" Gabe asks, with a smirk plastered on his face.

    "Gabriel, could I speak to you... in private" Castiel says, grabbing Gabriel's jacket and pulling him out of the room. You follow and hide around the corner, listening to their conversation.

    "What's the matter Cassie?" you hear Gabe say.

    "I was trying to tell Heather how I feel about her" Cas says. How he feels about me? you think.

    "Lil' bro, you know I like-like Heather" Gabriel says.

    "And we both know that your not good enough for her." Cas says, you can hear the anger in his voice.

    "What about you? You have angels on your ass all the time, Mr. Rebel" Gabriel growls. You walk into the room, standing before the two angels.

    "Enough!" you say.

    "Heather, were you listening to our conversation?" Cas asks, the color draining from his face.

    "Yeah, and I'm not going to let you fight over me" you say, crossing your arms.

    "Then you have to choose" Gabriel says, "Me, or him"

    You had feelings or once had feelings for the both of them, you are quick with your reply.

--------Alternate endings--------
    "I choose Cas" you say, Gabriel huffs and leaves with the sound of wings. You hug Cas, you had liked him for a while now, but never had the guts to tell him. You look into his bright blue eyes.

    "I was worried, you didn't feel the same about me, as I feel about you" he says. You just smile and grab his tie, pull him down for a long passionate kiss. When you break away, you smile.

    "I've been wanting to do that for a long time" you grin.

    "I choose Gabe" you say. Castiel glares at Gabriel, before leaving with the sound of wings. You look at Gabe, you had had a crush on that trickster the minute you saw him. A smile creeps across Gabe's face.

    "I knew you would make the right choice" he smiles. He grabs your shoulders and kisses you hungrily. You pull away from him.

    "Slow down there, big boy" you tease. He smiles, before snapping his fingers, and you are in a nice hotel room. You grin at Gabriel, and let's just say that you didn't come back to the bunker for a few hours... *winks*


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