OneShot: Insert title here (Michael x Adam)

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As requested by theTr1ck8ter
Michael x Adam
One thing hasn't changed- I still can't think of titles

"Adam? Hey are you okay?" Michael asked, looking towards his vessel. Adam didn't look up. Michael pushed himself to his feet the moment he realized what was happening. He rushed to the human just as the last glow of Adam's soul began to fade. He grabbed onto him. The once glowing soul of Adam Milligan was broken and severely damaged. It had been nearly 1000 years since he'd stopped toying with the boy's soul, taking out his frustration and anger out on him, but the damage was done.

Now they were simply roommates... or maybe a bit more neither would dare say. I mean they shared- moments. 

Now human souls do not do well in hell. Just being downstairs altered the soul. The torture simply speeds the process. Surprisingly Adam's soul held up well. Maybe it was the close proximity to the heavenly grace of two archangels or something else. With Lucifer gone the process sped up. Now he was fading away- turning into a creature of pain and torment.

"Michael..." Adam choked out as he doubled over clutching his chest. Michael grabbed ahold of Adam clutching him close to him trying to heal him with his grace. With one gasping breath Michael watched as the human soul of his vessel went dark. Then the cage began to shake. It was rejecting Adam's corrupt soul like bad Mexican food. The cage was not meant for a demon. It's like putting a fork in the microwave and this time the microwave was going to explode. The specialty metal broke into millions of fragments as the cage shattered. Instantly, Michael began to fall. He spread out his wings catching himself. He brought himself to one of the chains that once suspended Lucifer's cage. He grabbed a ahold of it taking gasping breaths as he forced the shrapnel out of his body. He looked around just in time to see Adam's now swirling black smoke soul disappear into the halls of the deepest parts of hell. He took off after him, but found him gone.

"No." Michael brought a hand to his mouth. He looked down realizing now in the dim torch light what form he had subconsciously taken to provide room for the human within the rather small cage. A young John Winchester. It would do. What does he do now? How is he supposed to find Adam- he's so drained it's a miracle he even survived the cage shrapnel. Even if he did find Adam, what does he do then? He doesn't even know how he'd get him back to his normal self. Demons aren't exactly his realm of expertise. Then a thought. Who knows just about everything there is to know about demons? The Winchesters of course.

No. He would not go running to those apes. The very apes that put him in the cage to begin with- and no doubt they'd be with the disgraced Castiel. But he needed Adam back. He needed him. He- no. Not yet. Then he realized something- pride. He's being prideful. That's how he ended up on the path that led him to the cage. He had too much pride. Pride in knowing he was doing as his father asked. Pride in being the good son. No more. He forced that down and returned to Earth. He landed in some forest- instantly flattening a good fifty yards around him. Gentle- he needs to be gentle. Now where would they be? He dare not go to heaven to seek aide there.

So he went to the last place he knew the Winchesters had called a home of sorts. He was met with a salvage yard overgrown with brush and weeds and the soot covered remains of Bobby Singer's home. By the looks of it no one had been there is many years. Okay. Focus on the car. He attempts to fly to it, homing in on the connection with his vessels and the impala. But he is met with a barrier. He forces his way through it and lands in a garage of sorts. The walls all concrete and the architecture old- early 1900's to be exact. He finds a door then a hallway where he eventually found himself in a high ceiling room with a table in the center the room adorned with maps. There sitting at the table munching on some kind of fast food were the Winchesters and Castiel. He instantly noticed the damage to Castiel's wings. He cannot fly for sure. He glanced around to see what he now realized to be a bunker of the men of letters. He made himself visible.

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