Imagine: More Winchesters?

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Are there more Winchesters?

"Yeah, Lebanon, Kansas" Garth said.

"Thanks Garth" you replied.

"Oh and Y/n, be careful the last time they found out they had another sibling, it didn't end well" Garth said.

"I think I can handle them Garth, but thanks" you said. "See ya" and you hung up the phone. You walked out the door, and threw your duffle in the back of your car. You climbed into your 1969 Chevrolet Camaro and patted the dashboard, "Come on Big Boy, you can make one last trip." You turned the key and he roared to life. You smiled, before backing out of the motel parking lot. It would be a 10 hour trip to 'the bunker' as Garth called it.


"Mom, where is my Dad?" you ask. Your mom just looks at you, then she sighs.

"I'll tell you when you're older" she says.

-Time Skip-

"Y/n, come here" you're mom said, after a hunt. You walked into the motel room.

"What is it?" you look at your mom's side, blood was soaking her shirt. You gasped and grabbed the first aid kit.

"Y/n, I'm not going to make it" she said, her breaths raspy.

"Yes, you are" you said, trying to stop the flow of blood. She grabbed your shoulders.

"When you were younger, you always asked me who your father was.." she began, "a long time ago, when I was just eighteen, I went on a hunt, with one of the best hunters in the business, John Winchester. And you can guess what happened. I got pregnant, but he had already left, leaving before I could tell him. You know that box I never let you go in? The blue one, with the lock on it? That has everything you'll need to find your brothers... your father died about a decade ago, from what I heard. Get the box and make me proud." you mother said, before placing a kiss on your head.

"Mom, I don't know what to say..." you said shocked at the word you just heard. Then, your mother's eyes started to flutter close. "Mom?! Mommy, please no!" you said, frantically, trying to wake her. She was gone. You gave her a proper hunter's funeral. You went to the car and opened the box. Inside was a bunch of newspaper clippings of two men, said to be mass murderers...

"Wow, amateurs..." you said.

<End of Flashback>

You stopped at the grocery store, and walked down the pastries aisle. Then, you saw him, Dean, looking at the pies. You casually walked over and looked at the pies too.

"So what kind are you looking for?" you asked casually.

"Pecan" he replied, his eyes still on the pies.

"Same, it must be something in our blood, eh Dean?" you said. He freezes.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" he asked, turning to you, you saw his hand slowly making its way to the side of his belt.

"Calm down, I'm a hunter" you said, in a low whisper. "I'm- I'm your sister."

"Can we take this outside?" he said, you nodded and walked outside. He walked out shortly after, a pie in his hand. You leaned against your car.

"That yours?" he asked, looking over your car. You nod, then you get splashed with holy water. You give him your best bitch-face.

"Dude, really with the holy water?" you said, wiping the water off your face.

-Time Skip-

"So we have a sister?" Sam said, running his hand down his face.

"Yep" you said, popping the 'p'.

"And you've hunted your whole life?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, my mom hunted with John once and they... you know, and she got pregnant, but by the time she had found out he was gone, didn't even leave a number." you said, resentment in your voice, just thinking about it.

"Hey, at least you didn't have to live with him" Dean growled at you. You turned and faced him, standing your ground. You were only a few inches shorter than him.

"He left her to raise me on her own, I had to stitch her up when I was 4, I made my first kill when I was 7. Sometimes, my mom and I didn't eat for weeks, she was too honest to commit credit card fraud. I nearly died on a hunt when I was 10" you hissed at him, getting in his face.

"I had to raise Sam, on my own, taking Dad's abuse when he came home drunk, so Sammy would get it. I never got a birthday cake, he never remembered my birthday. He probably doesn't even remember your mom." Dean said. Your anger boiled over, and you kicked his legs out from him. He went to the floor, and you jumped on him.

"Listen here asshat, the only reason I'm here is because it was my mother's dying wish for me to find you two. She died in my arms right after, so you'd better make her last breaths worth what they were." you said, grabbing his jacket.

"Fine, yeesh" Dean said, pushing you off of him.

"Welcome to the family" Sam said, patting you on the back.


Short one that I found in my notes on my iPad.

I need PREFERENCE suggestions. I want to do preferences, but I don't have any ideas...

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