Imagine: This all sounds a bit Harry Potter

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Imagine you are a witch (or wizard) and you are in the US. You are tracking death eaters.

You fired a hex at the death eater. It hit him the chest, sending him to the ground. You called the Ministry to send someone to pick him up, while you searched for the last one.

"Incarcerous" you said, and shining black ropes shot from your wand, binding the wizard. You heard a little pop and your superior apparated.

"Well done, Y/n," she said, grabbing the death eater, and apparating out agin. You walked out of the alley. You readjusted your coat, before pocketing your wand. Can't have a muggle seeing it. You walked down the sidewalk to a motel.

After paying for a room, you walked out into the lot again to head to your room. You inserted the key into the lock, and turned it. The door should have opened, the key was working. You glanced around before pulling your wand out and whispering Alohomora. The door clicked and you walked into the room, locking it behind you. You put your wand away, and looked around the room. It smelled, and there were weird stains on the floor and sheets.

"Times like this, I really miss Hogwarts" I said to yourself.

-Time Skip-

You walked to the diner down the road, hoping maybe you would find the death eater there, they're human, they have to eat. You sat down and ordered your breakfast.

"You're not from around here are you?" the waitress commented.

"Yeah, the accent certainly gives it away" you smiled warmly. As the waitress walked away, three men walked into the diner. They sat in the booth behind you. You listened to their conversation out of sheer boredom.

"It has to be witches" the shorter one said.

"But Dean, they don't appear and disappear out nowhere" the taller one said. Okay so the shorter one is Dean.

"Sammy, so you think it's witches, but we have no idea how to kill them..." Dean said.

They were talking about killing you! You panicked and left, running down the alleyway adjacent to the diner. Who are these people and why would they want to kill you? You leaned against the wall, thinking about how you were supposed to track down a death eater with these guys on your tail. You calmly walked back into the diner and sat back down in your seat. You apologized to the waitress, saying you had forgotten your wallet in your car and went to go get it. You listened to the men again, as you began to eat.

"I don't know Sammy, this all sounds a bit Harry Potter to me" Dean said. Harry Potter, the chosen one? The guy who made it you never got a real year of school? The one you fought for in the Battle of Hogwarts against Voldemort, where you lost your little sister to a dementor? You had to know more... you turned around.

"Excuse me, did you say Harry Potter?" you asked sweetly. Dean smirked at you.


"It sounds familiar to me, by any chance could you explain it to me?" you said, batting your eyelashes. Dean got up and sat in the seat in front of you.

"So you want to know about the Harry Potter books?" Dean said.

"That would be great" you smiled. As he explained them to you, you slowly found out that it was based around Potter, Weasley and Granger. No one should know about Hogwarts, except wizards and witches.

"How's that for an explanation?" Dean said.

"That was great... thank you. Um," this is either a really bad idea, or brilliant. "What if I told you it was all real?"

"You have a great sense of humor you know that... um"

"Y/n, and " you brought your voice to a low whisper. "I can prove it to you, come to my motel room at 12 and I show what a witch can do." You grinned.

-Time Skip-

You stood outside your room waiting for Dean. He pulled up in a very American car. He got out along with Sam

"I thought it would be only you" you said nervously.

"He insisted" Dean said.

"Okay" you huffed, opening the door and walking in. You closed the door behind them.

"I know that you're hunter" you said. You had done a little digging and apparently the witches and wizards were a little different in the US, to a point where they were hunted for their crimes.

"You're a witch aren't you?" Dean said, his hand snaking to his belt, probably for a gun.

"American's aren't as stupid as they look" you laughed. Dean and Sam drew their guns and pointed them at you. "Hey now" you said, drawing your wand slowly.

"Don't move witch" Sam said. You halted your movements.

"I'm not like the ones you hunt. I don't work with demons." you said. "I was born with magic. I went to Hogwarts when I was 11," you explained.

"You just got that from the books" Dean laughed.

"Harry Potter was in the same year as me, I fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, my name is in the first book, during the sorting ceremony!" you said, grabbing the newly bought book from the table. You flipped to the bookmarked page.

"See, Y/l/n, Y/n that's me" you said, pointing to the line, Sam snatched the book from your hands.

"You could be using a fake name"

"I just learned about these books at the diner. If you would let me show you" you said, reaching for your wand.

"Fine, but try anything and you're dead" Dean hissed. You grabbed your wand from your pocket. You pointed it at the lamp on a table.

"Wingardium Leviosa" you said, the lamp levitated before you put it

    "I'm still not convinced" Sam said.

    "Fine," you said, before concentrating on apparating behind them. You opened you your eyes to see their backs.

    "Dude, she just apparated" Dean said.

    "Believe me now?"

Sorry for the abrupt ending, but I was getting bored with this cross over thingy...

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