Imagine: Angel Fledglings

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You were sitting with your best friends, Sam and Dean at the war room table, doing some research, when someone knocked on the bunker door. You drew your pistol along with the guys as you walked up the stairs. You opened the large metal door to see Gabriel standing with four little winged toddlers running around him.

"I may or may not have turned some of my brothers into toddlers," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. You looked at the little toddlers more closely. One was clinging to Gabriel's leg, he had black and pretty blue eyes, you guessed that was Cas. Two were swatting at each other, one had light blonde hair and grey-blue eyes, and the one he was fighting with had light brown hair and blue-green eyes, they were probably Lucifer and Michael respectively to their descriptions. The fourth you instantly knew as your boyfriend, Balthazar, he was holding a gold bracelet that was certainly not his.

"Dammit, Gabriel!" you growled, shaking your head. You holstered your gun and picked up little Balthazar.

"Prank gone wrong?" Dean teased. Gabriel glared.

"This isn't funny, I need someone to help me watch them," Gabriel said, pushing Michael and Lucifer apart.

"Dude we kill monsters, not babysit," Sam replied. You couldn't help but smile at your adorable little boyfriend, you squeezed his chubby little cheeks.

"Come on, maybe it'll be fun," you said, turning back to Sam and Dean. Dean looked at little Cas, with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess it couldn't be that bad," Dean said, picking Cas up. Famous last words...

"Lucifer, you get back here!" you yelled, chasing after the naked toddler. So the angels wanted to make lunch for you and the boys, but they're toddlers and they made a gigantic mess. When you walked into the kitchen they were covered with food. Deanand Gabriel were in charge of cleaning Cas and Michael up. Which left you and Sam to clean Lucifer and Balthazar. Then, all hell broke loose, little naked angel fledglings were running around the bunker. You held the towel in your hand as you chased after the little devil. The floor was soaked, but it worked to your advantage when he slipped, landing on his butt. You quickly wrapped him up in the blanket and took him back to Sam. You handed the thrashing child to him and, because he's Lucifer, he calmed down when Sam held him. Sam just sighed and handed you more towels so you could continue to help Dean and Gabriel get the other three. You walked down the hall, and at a corner, you saw the edges of light blue wings. You jumped around the corner and snatched little Michael up. You took him to Sam, for he was now keeper of the play pen. He took the little angel from you. Then, Dean came around the corner, holding a sleeping Cas in his arms.

"Found him asleep on my bed," Dean whispered. You heard yelling and you sighed and ran to Gabriel's aid. You found him chasing Balthazar around the storage room. Balthazar held a wine bottle in his hand, and when he sam you he ran behind you, hiding behind your legs.

"I swear Balthy," Gabriel said, stalking over. He snatched the wine bottle from him and put him back on the shelf. You picked up your tiny boy-friend and wrapped him up in a towel. He yawned and snuggled his head in your neck. You walked with Gabriel back to the war room where you had set up the play pen. You grabbed one of the cute little shirts and pants Gabriel had snapped into existence and put them on Balthazar, before laying down in the nest of pillows, he snuggled up with little Cas. You sighed and sat down.

"How much longer of this?" you whined quietly.

"A few hours or about a day, I'm not sure," Gabriel whispered back, before putting a lollipop in his mouth. You closed your eyes hoping for a minute of rest, when you heard a tiny whimper. You quickly snapped awake and by the time you reached into the pen to calm Lucifer he had woken up the rest. You started to panic as you tried to get them to stop crying.

"What do we do?!" Sam yelled over the crying.

"I don't know? Feed them?" you replied, bouncing a little Lucifer, you handed him to Sam. Gabriel snapped and cut up watermelon and other easy food for children appeared. Their eyes lit up as they looked at the food. You nearly dropped Balthazar as he tried to get to the food. High-chairs appeared and you placed the toddlers in and fed them. You fell asleep soon afterwards, cuddling Balthazar.

When you woke up, you could barely breathe. Your eyes opened to see a fully grown Balthazar snuggled up on you. You groaned and pushed him off.

"Wha- Oh my God!" Sam yelled as he pushed a fully grown Lucifer off his lap. Dean immediately woke up with Sam's  yells of terror, Cas tumbling off his lap and on to the floor with a thump. Gabriel laughed, Michael sitting next to him, looking very not amused.The four angels, looked at Gabriel. He stopped smiling.

"That's my cue," he said, before flashing out.

"I'm gonna kill him... again" Lucifer added, flashing out after him, Michael right behind him. You just shook your head.


Cute little imagine by art that I had seen about a month ago.

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