Oneshot: Hell-I mean School

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This is for @HannahStuhlreyer

    Hannah is in 8th grade, Dean is a Freshman, and Sam is in 5th grade.
Warning, sensitive content: bullying
    "Why do I have to go to school if I'm probably going to die young anyway" Hannah growled to Dean as they walked towards the school.
    "If we don't go to school, the locals will get suspicious and start poking around" Dean replied. "You know what dad will do if he find out someone was on our case" he said in hushed voice. Hannah held her cheek, the memories of those times John would come home from a bar drunk. His temper would be short and he would take out the frustration of a hunt on Dean and Hannah. Hannah snapped back to reality. They had reached the school. Dean gave Hannah a hug and ruffled Sam's hair before heading into the High School.
    "Come on Sammy" Hannah said walking in the door with Sam close behind
-Time skip brought to you by John Winchester's terrible ability to be a parent-

The end of last period
    "Ok class so do questions #20-40 on page 364 in your textbooks, be sure to show all your work" the teacher said as the last bell rang for the end of the day. Everyone gathered their things and shuffled out the door. Hannah grabbed her things and headed down the hallway and out the side door.
    "Look who it is, the new girl" the school bitch said as Hannah started down the path to where she was supposed to meet Dean and Sam. "You're are drawing all the attention away from me" she said glaring at Hannah.
    "Just leave me alone, I don't want any trouble" Hannah said trying to ignore the girl.
    "No one should be hotter than me" she warned, "You'll see tomorrow" Hannah picked up her speed when she saw Dean waiting with Sammy. She put on the famous Winchester fake smile.
    "Hey Sis" Dean said.
    "Hey, how was hell-I mean school" Hannah corrected herself.
    "Boring" Dean shrugged.
    "How about you Sam?" Hannah said ruffling Sam's hair.
    "I like it, the people in my class are nice" Sam said smiling. Hannah's smile faded thinking about how in this life you don't get to have friends, it'll just get them hurt.
    "Let's head back to the motel, I have a lot of homework" Hannah said starting down the sidewalk.
-Time Skip brought to you by how unhappy the season 11 trailer makes me-

The next day on the way to first period
    Hannah walked down the hallway. Every one was looking at her in disgust and whispering to the person next to them. Hannah ignored them and walked into her first period class.
Just after last period
Why me?! Hannah thought as she walked down the hallway, tears threatening to spill. All day people called her every horrible name in the book, Bitch, Whore, Slut and more. Someone had spread a rumor that she had done the fricky frackle for money. As she walked out the door, some one pushed her to the ground. Her books flying from her hands. She turned to see that bitch with some of her friends. They rushed her and dragged her into the nearby woods where they beat her. Then, one of the girls pulled scissors from her bag and cut off her hair.
    "Now we'll see if anyone even looks at you tomorrow" the bitch said before leaving her, alone in the woods broken and bleeding. After a while Hannah got up and limped back to the motel. She knocked on the door.
    "Who is it?" she heard Dean call.
    "Dean, it's Hannah" she said finding the words. She heard a click and Dean oped the door, a shotgun behind his back.
    "Oh my god" Dean said catching Hannah just before she fell. She leaned on him as he led her to one of the beds. Dean ushered an upset Sam out of the room into the separate room "Who did this to you?" he asked rushing to get the first aid kit. Hannah didn't reply. "Hannah, WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" Dean yelled making Hannah flinch.
    "It was some girls at school" Hannah said barely audible. Dean pulled out a bottle of whiskey (is that what they use?) and began to clean Hannah's cuts and scratches.
    "I swear I'm going to kill them" Dean said.
    "No, Dean they want a reaction out of me" Hannah replied. Dean wrapped up the really bad cuts.
    "But look what they did to you! They beat you and cut your hair" Dean said holding his forehead in worry. "Oh Hannah your hair... Dad won't like it, your hair looked just like..." Dean trailed off.
    "Mom's hair" Hannah finished. They didn't say anything else. When Dean finished cleaning Hannah's injuries up he went to the drawer and took out scissors. It didn't take him long to cut her hair, for he was the one who attempted to keep Sammy's hair in check.
    "All done" Dean said pulling the towel off of Hannah. She looked pretty bad ass.
    "Thanks Dean" Hannah said hugging him.
    "No problem Sis" Dean said before noticing a head peeking out of the other room. "I see you Sam" Sam open the door and sat down next to Hannah.
    "What happened to you?" Sam asked looking at Hannah's injuries.
    "There were some mean girls, they beat me up" Hannah said sighing. Sam eyes were starting to get all watery. "But you should see them" Hannah said trying to cheer him up.
    "I like your new hair" Sam said looking at her new hair cut.
    "Thanks Sammy" Hannah said putting her arm around him hugging him against her side. Hannah looked at the clock. "Sam you should get to bed"
    "Ok, good night Hannah" Sam said as Dean led him into the other room. Hannah dropped the fake smile as soon as Sam was out of the room. Dean came back in a few minutes and sat down on the other bed, facing Hannah.
    "You aren't going to let them get away with this" Dean said.
    "What am I supposed to do?" Hannah asked.
    "Tell a teacher or the principal" Dean answered.
    "They don't give a shit" Hannah said.
    "Yes, they do" Dean said. Hannah just shrugged him off and climbed into a bed.
-Time Skip brought to you by protective Dean-

The next day at school
    When Hannah walked into class the next day no one was looking at her weird, and that bitch was absent. While at lunch she overheard a conversation about how the school bitch was suspended because someone had reported that she had beaten up someone after school and they got video of the event. Supposedly her entire group was suspended too. They couldn't figure out who the victim was though. At the end of the day when she met up with the brothers she ran and hugged Dean.
    "Thanks Dean" Hannah said.
    "No problem" Dean said hugging back. He let go and they started back towards the motel "So how was school?"
    "Not Bad"
So that was my first long OneShot. @HannahStuhlreyer I hope I never made you uncomfortable with any of the situations since I was using your name and it is dedicated to you. I also hope it is what you were asking for.
Also if any of you have a request just message me! It's easier to keep track that way.

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