Imagine: How screwed are we?

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Location: Some abandoned police station.
"What do you think they're waiting for?" Dean asked. You leaned against the brick wall.

"No idea," you replied, staring at the cell walls. You looked at the adjacent cell where Dean was, meanwhile Sam was in the one on the other side.

"How screwed are we?" Sam asked. You laughed.

"Pretty screwed," you replied, "When I was being dragged in here, I think I saw Lucifer, Michael and Crowley."

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure I saw Raphael and Abbadon," Dean added.

"Oh yeah pretty screwed," Sam admitted. You heard footsteps coming down the hall, you stood up, getting ready for fight. Two demons opened the door to your cell. They smiled as they grabbed your arms, dragging you out of the cell. Normally you would have fought back fiercely, but you had already had the shit beaten out of you. You brothers on the other hand still hand a little strength left in them, and more demons had to come and get them out of their cells. You just sighed as you were dragged to a larger room in the broken down police department. Why you were on Earth and not in Hell you had no idea. You were tied to a chair, your arms tied to the arm rests. As your brothers were put in the same position, the door from what you assumed the chief's office opened. And out walked exactly who you saw.

"Hiya Sammy," Lucifer cooed. Sam glared and shifted in the chair.

"Only, Dean and I are allowed to call him that asshat," you hissed.

"Still got that fire, Y/n," Abbadon smiled at you, you rolled your eyes.

"What do you want?" Dean chided. "I mean if you wanted us dead, we would have been killed back at the motel," he analyzed.

"Torture," you figured out, they all gave a creepy smile that was scaring the shit out of you. "Well you see that doesn't work anymore," you said with a smirk.

"Physical, maybe not, but psychological, definitely," Michael explained.

"Cause this time you're all in the same room," Lucifer smiled. ... and there it was, the only weakness of a Winchester... family, neither of you fared well when you saw the others hurt or dead.

"Who's first?" Raphael said, as a table appeared, covered in tools. Crowley picked up one of the knives.

"I suggest, Dean," Crowley said.

"No, not that much of nerve will be struck there, and not with Sam either, so I guess that leaves, little Y/n..." Lucifer said, with a smirk. You're eyes widened in fear.

"You stay the hell away from her!" Dean threatened.
"I swear if you touch one hair on her head-" Sam growled before they both went silent, their voices gone. You could only see their horrified faces. They couldn't plea, make deals, nothing to save you, not anymore. Crowley stalked over to you, blade in hand. You stared him down.

He smiled as he dragged the blade across your cheek. You gritted your teeth as the skin was sliced open. Crowley then made a long cut down you arm. You let out a loud squeak of pain and squeezed your eyes shut. He stabbed the blade into you hand and you let out a yell as your hand was pinned to the chair. You looked at Dean and Sam who were looked like they were yelling, but no sound was coming out. You let a tear roll as Crowley twisted the knife, creating a large hole in your hand, you felt several of your fingers go numb. He pulled the blade out.

"I'm sorry," you whispered to your brothers as the blade stabbed into your shoulders, you gave in and let out a scream. The villains smiled as they saw your brothers thrash in their chairs, trying to get free, to save you. Over the next hours, or minutes, you weren't sure, you screamed. Every inch of you was cut up and bruised and your fingernails had been ripped out. You panted, slumped over in your chair.

Crowley put down the bloody knife and Abbadon moved to Sam. You turned away from the sight of seeing your brother tortured, but Michael grabbed you hair pulling your head up to have to watch the sight. Your threats and yells died on your lips. Burning tears ran down your cut cheeks as you saw what this was doing to Dean, he had gone numb, tears just streamed down his face as he watched. You could see it in his eyes, that he was broken.

You too went numb as Lucifer stepped up to torture Dean fulfilling Sam's worst nightmares. Sam with his remaining strength yelled silent pleas along with you. Dean never screamed, only gritting his teeth. When Lucifer finished he half-hazardly threw the hammer on the table. As you felt the block in your speech lift, you stayed silent.

"Well that went well," Lucifer said, wiping his blood covered hands on Michael, Michael glared at him. Michael pulled a pistol and pointed it at Sam, pulling the trigger, hitting him in the head.

"Sam!" you and Dean yelled simultaneously. Sam slumped over in his chair. Michael then pointed it at Dean, pulling the trigger.

"Dean!" you screamed, watching as your oldest brother too slumped over in his chair. You looked at Michael, who was now aiming the gun at you, he hesitated. "What are you waiting for, let's get this show on the road, cause you're first when I get back," you hissed. Michael pulled the trigger and everything went black.

You sat up in your bed, finding yourself in the motel room, where you had been taken. Heat of the Moment was playing on the radio. You shared a glance with your brothers, who were sitting up, with the same look on their faces as you.


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