OneShot: Kevin x Reader

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And a little Destiel and Sabriel
You grabbed your brothers' arms as they helped you onto the roof of the building. You quietly made your way to a skylight. You saw Lucifer, Michael, Crowley, and Abbadon. You could just barely make out their conversation.

"Well where are they?" Lucifer questioned a demon.

"They're right here sir," the demon quickly replied. You watched as three people appeared, tied and gagged. You held in a gasp as your eyes scanned the three hostages, Cas, Gabriel and Kevin. You could almost hear the anger boiling in your brothers. You watched, not wanting to risk your boyfriends' lives. The demon quickly disappeared.

"Hello little brothers," Michael purred. Cas looked scared shitless, but Gabriel just looked really annoyed. Crowley smirked and met eyes with Kevin.

"Hopefully, we'll get some quality time together again Kev'," he smiled. Kevin just rolled his eyes, you and your brothers 'I'm not scared of anything' attitude had definitely rubbed off on him. Crowley pouted before slapping Kevin, you flinched. Crowley got close to Kevin's ear and whispered something to him. Whatever it was, Kevin now looked like a dog at the vet.

"Crowley, could you at least wait until we set the trap?" Abbadon sassed. Crowley moved away from your boyfriend. You turned back to your brothers.

"What do we do now?" Dean whispered. You shrugged your shoulders, and turned back to the skylight. You watched as demons and some angels hid behind crates and tables. You and your brothers' boyfriends were tied to chairs, placed where you would be too focused on them to see the trap. Lucifer nodded at the trap, before stopping.

"Something's missing," he acknowledged.

"I think I know," Abbadon replied. "They don't look like they're in life threatening peril." She pulled out an angel blade and stabbed Kevin in the shoulder.

"Oh hellz no!" you yelled. You immediately covered your mouth, but it was no use, for everyone in the room looked up at the skylight. You gave a quick wave before sprinting away from the skylight with your brothers. You jumped off the building and into a dumpster. Sam and Dean were right behind you as you climbed out and made a mad dash away and back to the Impala. You were so close, but you suddenly felt like your insides were being crushed, you fell to your knees, gasping for air, your brother falling next to you. You spat out some blood and looked up to see all the previous 'villians' mentioned. Michael unclenched his fist and you could breathe again.

"Real smooth Y/n," Dean coughed out. You stood up and faced them.

"Hello Boys and Y/n..." Crowley said, smirking at the three of you.

"Just say Winchesters, there's no need to treat me special Crowley," you sassed.

"Still as feisty as ever Y/n. Now it would do you some good to drop your blade, or I'll cut your hand off," Abbadon threatened. You halted your movements and dropped your blade. It hit the concrete with a faint clatter. You felt the weight of your other guns and knives lift as they disappeared, they appeared in a bag Crowley was holding.

"Well you've got us, let them go," you ordered.

"Now that wouldn't be any fun would it?" Lucifer smirked. Your surroundings changed to the warehouse. You were now sat in a chair, your hands hand cuffed behind you. You were facing Kevin your brothers facing their boyfriends too.

"Hey Smarty," you sassed.

"Mphmrp" Kevin said, probably sassing back. You looked bak to the villains.

"Why do you still need them?" Dean asked.

"We're gonna kill them right in front of you," Crowley said, with a smirk. You glared daggers at him.

"I swear if you fudging touch him, I will fudging kill you," you hissed.

"Why? Why do you always have to involve the people we care about, when your beef is with us?" Sam asked. You knew he was stalling. You moved your hand, reaching into a hidden pocket in your sleeve. You slowly pulled out a hair clip and moved it to the handcuff.

"You know that's a really interesting question," Lucifer said with a thoughtful pout. Then, he smirked. "I think it just makes it a little ore satisfying seeing what it does to you three."

"I still don't under stand why you don't just come get us at the bunker, you know where it is, or at least Crowley does," you said. They all turned to Crowley.

"You knew where the were?" Michael asked, fuming.

"Of course I know where they live, they had me tied up in their dungeon for a while," Crowley replied.

"And you didn't think to bring this up at the meeting?!" Abbadon nearly yelled.

"I still kind of like them!" Crowley growled back. You watched as the bag disappeared out of his hand, but they didn't notice. I appeared behind you, inches from your hand. You slowly grabbed it and opened it, your hands now freed. You handed your brothers their weapons. The villains were still too busy arguing to see you reach other and untie Kevin. You grabbed Gabriel's arm along with Sam and Kevin and flashed out. When you got back to the bunker, you hugged Kevin tightly.

"Are you okay Kev?" you asked, looked at his wound.

"Other than this and a few bruises, I'll be fine Babe," he replied. Gabriel put two fingers to his head and the wound disappeared, leaving only the blood stain. You smiled and kissed Kevin. He cupped the back of your neck as you held his shirt, pulling him closer.

"Guys, get a room," Dean commented. You looked over at him, his clothes were slightly dis shelved.

"I could say the same to you Asshat," you smirked, looking at him and Cas, who's clothes were also messed up, his hair was also ruffled.

"Everyone just get a room!" Sam sassed.

"Oh we'll get a room," Gabriel smirked, jumping onto Sam, they disappeared. You watched as Cas held Dean's hand they too disappeared. You just shook your head, and kissed Kevin again.

"How about we listen to Sam?" Kevin whispered to you. You smiled and nodded as he pulled you into his room, pushing you up against the wall. You pulled his shirt off. He reached up to your shirt, starting to undo the buttons.
OK! Stop! Gabriel go away! *Gabriel runs off* I'm sorry guys, I left to go to the bathroom and he had taken over. Maybe I'll let him come back... that's if you guys want some smut.

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